Les Verbes Pronomial (aussi dit- les verbes à sens réfléchi)


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Transcription de la présentation:

Les Verbes Pronomial (aussi dit- les verbes à sens réfléchi)

Pronominal verbs (or reflexive verbs) are verbs that indicate that an action is done to one’s self. You will know if a verb is reflexive in the infinitive because it will be predicated with the reflexive pronoun (se). These are ROUGHLY the equivalent in English of “self.” IE- He hurt himself. She bathed herself. They weighed themselves. We prepared ourselves. Etc. In English it is not always necessary to reflect back to the self. In French it is mandatory and the meaning will change if the reflexive pronoun is not represented.

Non Reflexive Uses Most verbs when written without a reflexive pronoun, have a slightly different meaning. It is important to recognize when to use and when not to use the reflexive pronoun. Ex: »Elle se promème. (She is taking a walk) »Elle promème le chien. (She is walking the dog) »Je me lave les mains. (I wash my hands) »Je lave le bébé. (I wash the baby)

Conjugating the Reflexive Verbs With reflexive verbs, the conjugation of the verb follows the same rules as it would without the additional object pronoun. The object pronoun conjugates based on subject. menous tevous se conjugated VERB

Me/te/se before a vowel The pronouns that end in -e have shortened written forms before a vowel: m', t', s', and the final -e is never pronounced in these cases. For example, the verb s'appeler meaning to be called looks as follows: »Je m’appelle Jean. »Comment tu t’appelles? »Elles s’appelle Julie.

SubjectReflexive (object) pronoun Example Jeme (m’)Je me lève. Tute (t’)Tu te lèves. Il/Elle/Onse (s’)Il se lève. Elle se lève. On se lève. NousnousNous nous levons. VousvousVous vous levez. Ils/Ellesse (s’)Ils se lèvent. Elles se lèvent.

PRATIQUEZ!!!! Write the reflexive pronouns below

Matching Match the following phrases according to subject and verb 1.Le matin, Claude… 2.Mes grandparents… 3.Je… 4.Ma soeur… 5.Vous… 6.Nous…  …me lève.  …nous dépêchons.  …s’amuse au cinéma.  …se couchent à 22h.  …se lève trop tard.  …vous maquillez avant le bal.

Conjugate the Verbs Nous/ se brosser les dents Je/ se doucher Il/ se lever Elles/ se maquiller Vous/ se fâcher Claude/ se moquer Marie/ se baigner Tu/ se raser

Translate I brush my teeth. He goes on a walk. They hurry up. She showers. He shaves. They (ils) wash their hair. You (vous) wake up. We get dressed.

Journal 1.1 What are reflexive verbs? Write three sentences (using reflexive verbs) about your routine in the morning.

Verbes pronominales au passées In the Perfect Tense, reflexive verbs take être as their auxiliary verb, and consequently the past participle needs to agree with the subject, as with other être verbs. Thus if the subject is feminine, we add an "e" to the past participle, and if the subject is plural, we add an "s". The following table shows the verb se réveiller in all its forms in the perfect tense. Letters in brackets may be needed, depending on the gender and the number of the subject.

Je me suis réveillé (e)Nous nous sommes réveillé(e)s Tu t'es réveillé (e)Vous vous êtes réveillé (e) (s) Il s'est réveillé Elle s'est réveillée On s'est réveillé Ils se sont réveillés Elles se sont réveillées BUT: If the reflexive verb has a direct object, as in the examples below, the reflexive pronoun is the indirect object and therefore the past participle does not need to agree: i.e. Marie s'est blessé la jambe. (la jambe is direct object) Mes frères se sont lavé les mains. (les mains is the direct object)

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