Year 6 French Transition Unit Personal Information Lesson 2 Salut!


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Year 6 French Transition Unit Personal Information Lesson 3 Salut!
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Famille et copains.
As-tu des frères et soeurs?
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Transition Unit Personal Information Lesson 1
Using the verb “avoir” to say who we have in our family
Ma famille My family.
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1.Comment tu t’appelles?A.Have you got any brothers or sisters? 2.Où habites-tu?B.How old are you? 3.Tu es de quelle nationalité?C.What colour are your.
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La Famille. YoYo Un frère une soeur Une petite soeur Un père Une mère.
La famille. Moi Mon pèreMa mère Mes parents Mon frère Ma sœur Mes neveux Mes nièces.
L.O To create a presentation all about myself in French ALL: To revise simple questions (Level 2) MOST: To create simple answers (Level 3) SOME: To extend.
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Transcription de la présentation:

Year 6 French Transition Unit Personal Information Lesson 2 Salut!

At the end of this unit, I will be able to:- –Tell my friends about the people and pets in my family –Before we start, if would be helpful for you to find a photograph of your family.

At the end of this lesson, All (Level 2-) Will be able to say how many brothers and sisters they have Most (Level 2) Will be able to ask and answer questions about who is in their family. Some (Level 2+/4) Will be able to give more information about members of the family such as their names, ages, birthdays, hobbies etc

mon cousin moima soeurmon frère ma mèremon père ma grandmère ma tantemon oncle ma cousine Mon arbre généalogique mon grandpère Images Showing: Images Showing: Results of about 13,800,000 for spanish man. (0.16 seconds) Results of about 13,800,000 for spanish man. (0.16 seconds) spanishmanspanishman

J’ai……. un frère une soeur

J’ai un frère et une soeur J’ai deux frères J’ai trois soeurs Je n’ai ni de frères ni de soeurs Je suis fils unique Je suis fille unique

Comment dit-on en français? Cherchez dans le dictionnaire un beau-frère - une belle-soeur - un frère-jumeau - une soeur-jumelle -

Comment t’appelles-tu?  Je m’appelle ….. Comment s’appelle ton frère / ta soeur?  Il / elle s’appelle …… Comment s’appellent tes parents?  Ils s’appellent ……… et …………

Ma Famille Dans ma famille il y a six personnes ma mère, mon père, mon frère, ma soeur, ma grandmère et moi. Mon frère s’appelle Jean. Il a huit ans. Son anniversaire est le 3 mars. Il aime le foot. In my family there are six people, my Mum, my Dad, my brother, my sister, my grandmother and me. My brother is called Jean. He is eight years old. His birthday is the 3 rd March. He likes football.

Il / elle aime… le foot le golf danser le chocolat Coronation Street Take That

Les Animaux un cheval un lapin un cobaye un chat un poisson une souris un serpent un oiseau un chien I have = J’ai which is called = qui s’appelle…

Les Animaux I have = J’ai which are called = qui s’appellent… deux chevaux deux lapins trois cobayes cinq chats sept poissons deux souris quatre serpents deux oiseaux trois chiens

Maintenant, je sais All (Level 2-) How to say how many brothers and sisters they have Most (Level 2) How to ask and answer questions about who is in their family, including pets. Some (Level 2+/4) How to give more information about members of the family such as their names, ages, birthdays, hobbies etc