-cer Verbs Verbs ending in –cer change c to ç before a or o to retain the soft c sound. AvancerTo move forward J’avanceNous avançons Tu avancesVous avancez Il/elle avanceIls /elles avancent
Quelques exemples… Annoncer to announce Commencerto begin Effacerto erase Lancerto throw Menacerto threaten Placerto put, place Prononcerto pronounce Remplacerto replace Renoncer àto give up
-ger Verbs Verbs ending in -ger insert a silent e between g and a, and between g and o, to keep the soft g sound. nagerTo swim Je nageNous nageons Tu nagesVous nagez Il/Elle nageIls / Elles nagent
Quelques exemples Arrangerto arrange Bougerto move Changer to change Corriger to correct Déménager to move Déranger to disturb Dirigerto direct Manger to eat Mélangerto mix
Neigerto snow Obliger to force, impose Partagerto share, divide Plongerto plunge, dive Ranger to put away, put in order Songer (à)to think about, consider Voyagerto travel
-yer Verbs Verbs ending in –yer change y to i before silent e. EnvoyerTo send J’envoieNous envoyons Tu envoiesVous envoyez Il/elle envoieIls /elles envoient
Quelques exemples…. Employerto use Ennuyerto bore, bother Essuyerto dry, wipe Nettoyerto clean Renvoyerto dismiss, send back
Note…. Verbs ending in – ayer may or may not change the y to i in all present tense forms except nous and vous. EssayerTo try J’essaie or j’essayeNous essayons Tu essaies or tu essayesVous essayez Il/ elle essaie or il/elle essaye Ils/Elles essaient or ils/elles essayent
Other verb ending in –ayer: Payer to pay
-E+ Consonant + -ER Verbs Verbs with silent e in the syllable before the infinitive ending change silent e to è when the next syllable contains another silent e. EnleverTo remove J’enlèveNous enlevons Tu enlèvesVous enlevez Il/elle enleveIls /elles enlèvent
Quelques exemples… Acheterto buy Acheverto complete, finish Amenerto bring, lead to Eleverto raise, bring up Emmenerto take (with you) Gelerto freeze Lever to raise, lift Menerto lead Peserto weigh Promenerto walk (the dog)
Appeler and Jeter Some ‘shoe’ verbs with silent e, like appeler and jeter, double the consonant instead of changing e to è. AppelerTo call J’appelleNous appelons Tu appellesVous appelez Il/Elle appelleIls/elles appellent JeterTo throw (away) Je jetteNous jetons Tu jettesVous jetez Il/elle jetteIls /elles jettent
Quelques exemples… Epeler to spell Epousseterto dust
E + Consonant + -ER Verbs Verbs with é in the syllable before the infinitive ending change é to è only before the silent endings -e, -es, -ent. CélébrerTo celebrate Je célèbreNous célébrons Tu célèbresVous célébrez Il / elle célèbreIls /elles célèbrent
Quelques exemples … Espérerto nope Posséderto possess, own Préférerto prefer Protégerto protect Répéterto repeat, rehearse