La Fondation Rotary du Rotary International District 7020


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Transcription de la présentation:

La Fondation Rotary du Rotary International District 7020 Through our network of Rotarians worldwide, The Rotary Foundation is in the unique position to develop, implement and support the programs our members want. Rotary meets a vast array of educational and human service needs, and it can deliver its services because there are no political or religious strings attached to the services and projects Rotarians provide. District 7020

Disrict 7020 Shares Rotary INTRODUCTION

La mission de la Fondation La mission de la Fondation est de permettre aux Rotariens de promouvoir la bonne volonté, l’entente mondiale et la paix en œuvrant dans les domaines de la santé, de l’éducation et de la lutte contre la pauvreté. Notre vision : Permettre aux Rotariens de promouvoir l’entente mondiale, la bonne volonté et la paix Notre mission : Améliorer la santé, soutenir l’éducation et lutter contre la pauvreté Notre devise : Faire le bien dans le monde Why We Exist What We Do What We Say

Your Volunteer Support Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Rich Panyik District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair Richard Grant Annual Programs Fund Lindsey Cancino Permanent Fund Chris Evans Humanitarian Grants Patrick Adizua Scholarships Paul Brown 8:36-8:37 This is the Volunteer structure. (Introduce the panel) These folks are your resource both during this session and throughout the year. Call on them for questions and assistance. They are here to serve you… Group Study Exchange James Sealey Rotary Alumni John Robertson Rotary World Peace Fellowships Fabian “Bobby “ Young

Éradication de la polio Engagement financier 650 millions $ Nb. de nations ayant reçu une subvention PolioPlus . . . . . . . 122 Nb. de pays, territoires et régions libérés de la polio en 2008 . . . . . 210 Nb. de pays endémiques pour le polio virus sauvage en 2008 . . . . . 4 Polio Progress: Rotarians have mobilized by the hundreds of thousands to ensure that children are immunized against this crippling disease and that surveillance is strong, despite the poor infrastructure, extreme poverty, and civil strife of many countries. Since the PolioPlus Program’s inception in 1985, more than two billion children have received oral polio vaccine. The extraordinary dedication of Rotary members has played a critical role in bringing polio to the brink of eradication. What was once a dream, will soon be realized. Rotary’s commitment to the eradication of polio encouraged other international organizations to take up the cause. By 2005, five million people who would otherwise have been paralyzed were walking because they were immunized against polio. This past year we’ve seen a significant drop in cases Down to only 4 polio endemic countries – and only pockets within those four countries (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria) Recently developed more effective and targeted “monovalant” vaccines This change from a ‘one-size fits all’ approach is considered by many to be the single greatest development since the launch of PolioPlus in 1985 Rotary developed a new model for public-private cooperative efforts in working with its world partners for PolioPlus. More than one million Rotarians worldwide have contributed to PolioPlus. And of course, we have now partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to inject a much needed $200 million to help finish the job.

Eradication de la polio - Evolution By 2005, five million people who would otherwise have been paralyzed were walking because they were immunized against polio. This past year we’ve seen a significant drop in cases Down to only 4 polio endemic countries – and only pockets within those four countries (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria) Recently developed more effective and targeted “monovalant” vaccines This change from a ‘one-size fits all’ approach is considered by many to be the single greatest development since the launch of PolioPlus in 1985 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

L’éradication de la Polio : notre priorité Le défi 100 millions de dollars L’éradication de la Polio : notre priorité Tous les enfants doivent pouvoir vivre dans un monde sans polio La Fondation Rotary du Rotary International

Le défi 100 millions de dollars 1. Chaque club est mis au défi d’organiser des collectes de fonds auprès du grand public. 2. Les clubs s’engagent à réunir 1 000 dollars par an pour les 3 prochaines années. 3. Tous les Rotariens sont invités à participer, particulièrement les nouveaux clubs et nouveaux membres. 4. Les dons de liquide et de FSD sont acceptés La Fondation Rotary du Rotary International

Programmes éducatifs Bourses de la Fondation Programme privé de bourses le plus important au monde Centres du Rotary pour études internationales Master en études sur la paix et la résolution des conflits Échanges de groupes d’étude Séjours culturels et professionnels de 4 à 6 semaines Ambassadorial Scholarships. The Foundation sponsors one of the largest international scholarship programs in the world. Scholars study in a country other than their own where they serve as unofficial "ambassadors of good will." Since 1947, more than 38,000 scholars from over 100 countries have received scholarships at a cost of more than $490 million. In 2006-07, 822 scholars from 50 countries studied in 80 countries. Program awards were $13.9 million. Group Study Exchange (GSE). These annual awards are made to paired Rotary districts to provide travel expenses for a team of non-Rotarians from a variety of professions. Rotarian hosts organize a four-to-six week itinerary of vocational, educational and cultural points of interest. The Group Study Exchange program is a prime example of how the beneficiaries of our Foundation programs are found across the globe, and in our own communities. Since 1965, more than 57,000 individuals (about 12,000 teams) from 100 countries have participated at a cost of more than $96 million. In 2006-07, 558 teams traveled abroad. Program awards were $4.3 million. Rotary World Peace Fellowships. Each year up to 60 scholars are sponsored to study at one of the six Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution for a master’s level degree. Since the program’s inception in 2002-03, 283 fellows from more than 50 different countries have participated at a cost of more than $18 million. In 2006-07, 50 peace fellows from 27 countries began studies at the six Rotary Centers totaling $4.3 million for the two-year program.

Programmes humanitaires Subventions de district simplifiées Actions de courte durée montées par les districts dans leur régions ou à l’étranger. Subventions de contrepartie Actions humanitaires bénéficiant à une communauté dans le besoin avec la participation active de Rotariens sur place et à l’étranger. Subventions pour Volontaires Financent le déplacement d’individus pour des missions de planification ou la mise en place d’actions. Programme 3-H Finance des actions importantes afin d’améliorer la santé et les conditions de vie, et lutter contre la faim. The Humanitarian Grants Program of The Rotary Foundation provides grants to Rotary clubs and districts to implement humanitarian projects. District Simplified Grants support the short-term service activities or humanitarian endeavors of districts in communities locally or internationally. This program began in 2003-04 and more than 1,500 grants have been awarded to 473 districts in 64 countries totaling more than $21 million. In 2006-07 379 grants were approved. Program expenditures were $5.1 million. Matching Grants support humanitarian projects that benefit a community in need and have direct local and international Rotarian involvement. Since 1965, 24,000 Matching Grant projects in 167 countries have been funded at a cost of more than $257 million. In 2005-06, 2,016 new grants were approved for projects in 126 countries. Program awards were $33.1 million. Volunteer Service Grants support the international travel of qualified Rotarians and their spouses to provide a needed service to a community and/or to plan the implementation of a needed project. This program began in 2006-07, and 202 grants were awarded to support travel to 47 countries. Program awards were $1.0 million. Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants fund large-scale, two to four-year projects that enhance health, help alleviate hunger or improve human development. Since 1978, 305 projects in 77 countries have been funded at a cost of $74 million. In 2006-07, 18 new projects were approved. Program awards were $4.2 million. Did you know that Rotary’s involvement in polio began in 1979 with a 5-year 3-H grant in the Philippines? Matching Grants: provide matching funds for international service projects of Rotary clubs and districts. Since 1965, 26,000 Matching Grant projects in 171 countries have been funded at a cost of more than $291 million. Between 1965 and 2000 there were 10,000 Matching Grants – 35 years; Between 2000 and 2005 there were 10,000 Matching Grants – 5 years. In 2006-07, 2,008 new grants were approved for projects in 124 countries. Program awards were $34.3 million.

Actions du district 7020 Help provide equipment to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital in Georgetown, Guyana Help provide affordable water purifiers for impoverished families in rural Haiti. Help promote HIV/AIDS awareness among orphans in Nakuru, Kenya. (Facilitate discussion on how other districts are spending their increased DDF, and educating their members for the need for continued support) Behind each project is a Rotarian and a Rotary club, weaving a story of life changing opportunities. It is important that we use these stories to recruit new members and retain current ones. Get people engaged and involved – participation financially AND in the programs our contributions support. These are just some of the recent grants clubs in this district have participated in. Help provide individual dictionaries to every 3rd grader in the county.

La Fondation Rotary est unique Elle répond à tous les principaux besoins éducatifs et humanitaires. Elle opère sur un rayon plus étendu que celui des Nations unies. Elle nous permet d’aller là où les politiques ou groupes religieux ne peuvent se rendre. La Fondation Rotary est votre Fondation. D’autres organisations veulent s’associer avec le Rotary en raison de ses possibilités d’action. Through our network of Rotarians worldwide, The Rotary Foundation is in the unique position to develop, implement and support the programs our members want. Rotary meets a vast array of educational and human service needs, and it can deliver its services because there are no political or religious strings attached to the services and projects Rotarians provide.

1$ Notre impact dans le monde Une personne sur six vit avec moins de 1$ par jour La moitié de la population mondiale vit avec moins de 2$ par jour Why is what we do important? [Hold up one dollar] What does $1 mean to you; in your country what can you buy with one dollar? Now Think about what one dollar can buy on a global, humanitarian scale. What do your Foundation Dollars buy? [polio vaccine, books, clean water, hope, peace….] $1 is the difference between life, and death, for half of the world. Our contribution are changing lives; one dollar is literally saving a life. Did you know that over a billion people, or roughly one in six, live in extreme poverty, living on less than US$1 a day, and some 2.8 billion live on less than two dollars a day. All told, nearly half the world's population lives in poverty – that's 2.8 billion people living on less than two dollars a day. As Rotarians, you have the good fortune to not be included in this statistic, but you do share a moral commitment to address it. You must put $1 in perspective of the purchasing power of OUR Foundation. Source: NetAid; The World Bank

Notre impact dans le monde 100,2 millions $ Fonds versés en 2006-2007 pour lutter contre la pauvreté, améliorer la santé et développer l’éducation Last year, because Rotarians collectively came together with a share desire to end suffering in the world, and promote world understanding and peace, we were able to put US $100 million to good use around the world. About half (45%) was used to support our humanitarian programs, about one-fourth (23%) supported our educational programs, and another fourth (24%) was spent in our fight towards Polio eradication. I will go into greater detail in just a minute. Your contributions to the Annual Programs Fund are doing a world of good, and I want to thank you for that. In 2006-07, your District contributed a total of $______ to the Annual Programs Fund. Rotarians and clubs in this district are showing solid support for our Rotary Foundation, and given the slide I just showed you, imagine the kind of impact $100 million has around the world. [Transition to next slide] But what keeps us coming back each year is knowing that this is just scratching the surface of our unrealized potential.

Contributions au Fonds de part. aux prog. Total alloué aux programmes* Contributions & dépenses En millions de dollars 2001- 2002 2002- 2003 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 2006- 2007 94,2 84,7 70,5 55,8 67,5 $103.3 Contributions au Fonds de part. aux prog. Humanitarian Programs Awards 41,5 28,5 27,2 46,1 44,6 44,8 Educational Programs Awards 24,2 26,8 27,9 27,9 21,9 23,3 Now let’s take a look at what millions of dollars can buy. Let’s talk about the impact of TRF on a global scale. [Here’s how contributions have grown in recent years: 2002-03 $55 million ---2003-04 $70 million ---2004-05 $85 million ---2005-06 $92.6 million --- 2006-07 $103.3 million.] What does this growth mean? What does this growth mean, in terms of program support? Through the SHARE funding system, it means more matching grants, ambassadorial scholars, peace scholars, Group Study Exchange teams. Even more compelling is to frame the “purchasing power” and real value of a dollar given to the Annual Programs Fund in the context of our unique SHARE system. Where did these $100.2 million in program awards come from? [await answer and advance slide] [The Foundation spent US$44.8 million on humanitarian programs and $23.3 million on educational programs in 2006-07, made possible by District Designated Fund contributions through SHARE in 2003-04. In other words our Foundation Awarded $97.9 million for programs last year, made possible by the $70.5 million raised 3 years prior. Return on Investment….] Subventions PolioPlus 29,7 38,8 31,6 36,2 24,6 23,7 Total alloué aux programmes* 95,4 94,1 86,7 110,2 91,1 100,2 * Inclut également les comptes DAF et autres

Trois besoins, trois façons d’y répondre Un soutien aujourd’hui Pour tenir notre promesse Pour assurer l’avenir

Dons annuels – FPP/SHARE Assure le soutien de la Fondation – la sève des programmes de la Fondation Permet d’atteindre l’objectif de 100 $ par Rotarien dans le monde entier Compte pour les Sustaining Members, PHF, PHF Multiple, Cercle Paul Harris et les dons majeurs

L’avenir – aujourd’hui Le Fonds permanent est le fonds de dotation du Rotary. Les dons ne sont pas dépensés. Ils sont investis à perpétuité. Seuls les intérêts servent à financer les programmes de la Fondation. The goal of the Rotary Foundation is to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. The Permanent Fund plays a significant role in helping us achieve this goal.

SHARE Débours Sélection/par-ticipants Plan/Alloca- tion Contribution Année 3 Année 2 Revenus couvrent les frais administratifs de la Fondation Année 1 Fonds mondial 50% Fifty percent (50%) of all contributions come back to our district through District Designated Funds (DDF) in three years to spend on educational and humanitarian programs chosen by us; even grants that may be used for projects in our local community. Through the SHARE system, our contributions to the Foundation help both the locally and globally. Here’s an example: Year 1: Your district raised $200,000 in 2005-06 Year 2: $100,000 is available in DDF for programs we select. Year 3: Spending takes place in 2008-09 So remember, the legacy you and your spouse leave with your club next year, will again be realized 3 years later – based on the number of programs your club and your fellow clubs in your district can participate in….. Our nonprofit work addresses various diverse causes, locally and internationally World reach is greater than the United Nations - we go where politicians and religious groups cannot Rotary can mobilize people-to-people contacts Why wouldn’t your Rotary Foundation be among your charities of choice? Fonds spécifique du district (FSD) 50% Subv. de contrepartie Subv. pour Volontaires Echanges de groupes d’étude (EGE) Programme 3-H Subv. de district simplifiées Subv. de contrepartie Bourses de la Fondation Equipe EGE supplémentaire Centres du Rotary pour études internationales

Cycle SHARE sur 3 ans 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 Les fonds versés en dons annuels sont disponibles 3 ans plus tard par l’intermédiaire de SHARE. Les fonds versés au Fonds de participation aux programmes en 2005-2006 sont disponibles en 2008-2009. Les fonds versés en 2008-2009 seront disponibles en 2011-2012. Here is another illustration of our investment cycle. The funds you had available this year are the direct result of your efforts in 2004-05. The funds your clubs will spend come July, are a result of your efforts in 2005-06. [Click once] Your efforts as club president will come back to you during the 2011-12 Rotary year. How do you want to be remembered 3 years from now?

Élaboration des objectifs Maintenir ou accroître les effectifs Monter des actions répondant aux besoins des populations desservies localement ou à l’étranger Soutenir la Fondation en participant aux programmes et à son financement Développer des dirigeants susceptibles d’assumer des fonctions au-delà du club

Déterminer des objectifs Évaluer la santé actuelle du club Effectuer du brainstorming Discuter avec les décideurs locaux Contacter les dirigeants du district Consulter d’autres clubs Étudier la Citation présidentielle

Des objectifs efficaces Partagés Quantifiables Ambitieux Réalisables Dans des délais précis What are you doing to help districts with GOAL SETTING? Are their ways you can improve upon the process in your Districts? How might you use the process as a way to engage your clubs in the Foundation? [It begins a conversation DGs and Foundation Chairs want to have with club presidents throughout the year on matters such as TRF education, member involvement in projects, and fundraising.] The recommended average amount per member internationally is US$100. How do you address that benchmark in your area? Is it too high; too low? What strategies do you employ when helping clubs and district identify realistic but challenging goals? Examine your club goal and achievement status by looking at your club’s prior year history as a starting point in setting your goal for this year. Establish a new goal that is realistic, but also builds on your previous year total. Dedicated a club fundraiser with proceeds to benefit TRF Consider an estimated 10-15% increase over last year's contributions, or gain 100% member participation. Look at a multi-year giving report for signs of how to stretch your goal. Look at your member PHF levels to determine new fund raising potential; Consider what impact your Paul Harris Society Members can have on your goal. Consider current Benefactors, Bequest Society members, PHF+7 awardees and Paul Harris Society members to determine a potential goal for Major Gift donors in your club. Consider current Major Donors, Paul Harris Society members and Benefactors to determine a potential goal for new Bequest Society members in your club. Ultimately, we must use the process to engage our members in the programs.

Élaboration des objectifs Annual Programs Fund Contributions & Restricted Contributions Compared to Annual Giving Goal Let’s now look at our contributions – APF-SHARE and ALL Restricted gifts now combined. Our annual giving goals seem extremely ambitious, but you can see that the generosity of our members far surpasses these goals EVERY year. What happened in the 02-03 Rotary year? PEFC. We have only begun to realize the potential of our Foundation – and it’s support by Rotarians around the world. $100 per capita worldwide not only is a realistic and achievable goal – it is perhaps too low! Why are we unable to re-capture that level of participation, enthusiasm and involvement? What are we missing?

Le pouvoir du vécu What we are missing is the tangible story that our members can truly get behind. This is why our Polio Eradication efforts have been so successful. This is why our Restricted giving continues to grow. This is why we have not been able to realize our true capacity for support. Your job is to weave a story around the programs supported by the Annual Programs Fund – that carries the same impact and inspiration as the story of polio has.

Comment s’informer? Programmes de club sur la Fondation Vignettes Fondation Rotariens impliqués comme invités Faire connaître les programmes de la Fondation dans votre région Collectes de fonds sur toute l’année [Ask for comments?] November is Foundation Month … make a point to have several speakers present during Nov. (Amb Scholar, Grants Subcommittee Chair, DRFC Chair) A Foundation Meeting Minute is a brief “factoid” about TRF. History, programs, facts and figures … short but informative bits about TRF. Ask you club participants to share “Their Story” about their project or relationship, or trip. Highlight the great projects carried out for TRF. Interview your Scholars, your GSE Team or project beneficiary. [What does your club do to raise money for TRF?] 27

Quelle est l’utilité de la Fondation pour votre club ? Encourage & soutient les actions internationales Favorise la fidélisation et la participation active des membres Offre des opportunités de couverture médiatique Permet aux membres de décider de l’utilisation des fonds Est source de fierté et est valorisante So now you know the programs and flow of funds – your TRF chair and committee should know this level of detail. But as club President – a reasonable and logical question should be? How will TRF Help Your Club [Pause – ask for input] TRF provides opportunities for service projects - strengthens Int’l Svc committees – greater resource. Members join for service - Some for the International service. The key to retention is involvement. Many of our Foundation projects are “profound” and worthy of PR. Involve members to identify projects, (type, scope, etc.). Work with District Rotary Foundation Committee to create grants. World Community Service projects often provide clean water, essential medical equipment and educational supplies that make a profound difference in developing countries. This provides special gratification of helping those in need … can be more significant than our usual community service work. 28

Comment promouvoir la Fondation ? Favoriser un climat positif Choisir avec soin le responsable Fondation Fixer des objectifs et suivre les progrès Faire connaître la Fondation et collecter des fonds Utiliser les fonds Se servir des ressources mises à disposition par la Fondation [How can you support TRF?] Select a strong Rotary Foundation Chair Have a goal and work toward it. Find creative ways to raise money … [Ask the class for ideas] Don’t just view it as fund raising – USE the money on grants – Encourage Involvement Create positive culture of involvement and support - Promote the TRF - Talk about the Foundation during meetings – TRF minute, feature a member, Foundation alumni, Ambassadorial scholar Use District Resources – grants coordinator, training, leadership, stories, etc. 29

Comment Nourrir leurs rêves ? Fixer des objectifs de club Montrer l’exemple Donner des exemples concrets Ne pas avoir peur de demander ! Savoir remercier The Rotary Foundation belongs to Rotarians – it is OUR Foundation Only with the financial participation of every Rotarian can we further our mission to “do good in the world”…and Make Dreams Real

Ressources Fondation Rotary – Récapitulatif des programmes (219-FR) Un don, chaque année – Pochette du club (958-FR) Centre d’appels Fondation : ou 866-976-8279) Areas of focus

Disponibles en ligne Contribuer en ligne : Commander du matériel : Télécharger des PowerPoints, idées de collectes de fonds, Vignettes Fondation & formulaires S’abonner au bulletin EREY (957) (998) (099) (149) (978)

Quels rêves deviendront réalité ? A World without: Polio Hunger Despair Violence We began this session talking a bit about the “have not’s” – those living in extreme poverty. For poor people, this two-class world is a breeding ground for hopelessness, anger, and frustration…. Many of the people living in our world have little to lose from violence…. At Rotary, we enable ordinary women and men to do what only the wealthiest individuals in the world could do otherwise, all because of the collective efforts and collective contributions of Rotarians around the world. Help your DG’s, DGE’s and DGN’s develop a meaningful,, tangible case for support. Can you put a price tag on Peace? Ask yourselves, and ask your club members - What will you give to achieve it?

Quels rêves deviendront réalité ? A World at Peace THANK YOU

Paul Harris Society members 07-08 Rotary Club of Abaco Abaco Bahamas Gary Sweeting East Nassau Bahamas Abaco Count 1 H. Patrick Rollins East Nassau Bahamas Barry Rassin East Nassau Bahamas John Robertson East Nassau Bahamas Brent Symonette East Nassau Bahamas Kim Wallace East Nassau Bahamas Brian Hassan East Nassau Bahamas Leroy Archer East Nassau Bahamas Bruce Bell East Nassau Bahamas Lindsey Cancino East Nassau Bahamas Clifford Culmer East Nassau Bahamas Michele Rassin East Nassau Bahamas Dana Wells East Nassau Bahamas Dave Reynolds East Nassau Bahamas Robin Brownrigg East Nassau Bahamas Dino Mosko East Nassau Bahamas Rotary Club of East Nassau East Nassau Bahamas Durward Knowles East Nassau Bahamas Simon Townend East Nassau Bahamas Everod Peart East Nassau Bahamas T. Murray Forde East Nassau Bahamas Frank Crothers East Nassau Bahamas Terry Mosko East Nassau Bahamas East Nassau Count 23

Paul Harris Society members 07-08

Paul Harris Society members 07-08

Paul Harris Society members 07-08

Paul Harris Society members 07-08

Foundation Special Recognitions New Major Donors this year Robin Brownrigg Lindsey J and Leslie Cancino Richard E. W. and Rita Grant Yusef I. Jaber Richard J. McCombe J. William and Margaret Rewalt Another local Nassau Rotarian

Foundation Special Recognitions Meritorious Service Award Richard E. Grant