A quoi servent les parties du discours? Steve Shimanek CID, HTL.


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Time with minutes French II Le 30 Octobre.
Le Passé Composé avec Être
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Bonjour, je m'appelle mrs vandertramp.
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Le passé composé avec être
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 USED TO DESCRIBE PAST EVENTS  COMPOSED OF TWO WORDS + conjugated form of “AVOIR” OR “ÊTRE” Le Passé Composé (literally, “past composed”) [Unité 7, p.
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Les objectifs: - to learn pronouns - To learn the verb ‘avoir’ (to have)
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Les normes: Communication 1.1 – Understanding the spoken and written language Comparisons 4.1 – Understanding the nature of language through comparisions.
OBJECTIFS: To recognise and repeat at least 4 items of furniture; To use the question ‘où est…?’ to ask where something is; LITERACY - To use at least.
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Être verbs in the passé composé Most verbs take avoir in the passé composé but there are some verbs which take être. allervenir arriver resterentrerretourner.
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Mrs. D.R. Vandertrampp Mnemonic device to help you remember which verbs take “être” as their auxiliary verb in passé composé.
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Transcription de la présentation:

A quoi servent les parties du discours? Steve Shimanek CID, HTL

Cross-dressing parts of speech bleu ciel N, Adj baby blue Adj, N

Round and round and … She rounded (V) the corner in a sprint round (P/Adv-DegMod) about midnight after offering her friends a round (N) of drinks at the R OUND H OUND, but missed the bus and ended up waiting round (Prt) for half an hour before the next one arrived.

Holophrastiques Up: Monter / ə bras Down: Tomber Clara: « je porte »

We looked up the definition of sqq. Nous avons recherché la définition de sqq. Particules aspectualisants

SC argument When I returned from Paris, I found [her gone]. (exemple adapté de Jespersen) We looked [out the window]. *We looked [the window out]. SP adjoint She looked up sqq. She looked sqq. up.

Corpus Jespersen, The Philosophy of Grammar Brøndal, Les Parties du discours Tesnière, Eléments de syntaxe structurale

Objectifs Historico-théorique – Terminologie autour de la préposition (aspect, Aktionsart, « light verbs », copules, voix/diathèse, cas morphosyntaxiques, cas sémantique, actants, …) Pédagogique – Hypertext I (renvois, recherches rapide, concordances) – Hypertext II (édition critique, enrichissement sémantique, lecture talmudique)

Corpus Jespersen, The Philosophy of Grammar Brøndal, Les Parties du discours Tesnière, Eléments de syntaxe structurale