

Présentations similaires
Talking about what you are going to do aller + infinitive.

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Talking about the future: what you are ‘going to’ do
The ‘near’ Future.
Le verbe “ALLER” au present
“Aller” is a very important verb.
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ALLER HOW DO WE CONJUGATE THE VERB ALLER? Click on the fleur de lys to advance to next slide.
Le futur… e.g. I am going to go shopping. He is going to play football. We are going to watch T.V. Remember: To achieve a Level 5, you need to be able.
Moi, le week-end je vais aller en France dans ma voiture verte!
Welcome to this weeks Eiffel Thour! 7.06 Futur Proche.
Talking about what you are going to do in the future tense! 
Using 2 Verbs in the Present Tense. When you conjugate ONE VERB in a sentence in the present tense, you should NOT conjugate following verbs. Leave them.
To identify a verb in its infinitive form
Match-up the numbers to the letters
Je vais Tu vas Il va Ils vont Nous allons Vous allez
An infinitive / linfinitif is 1) the name of a verb 2) the unconjugated form of a verb 3) the form of the verb that means to + the meaning of the verb.
An infinitive / linfinitif is 1) the name of a verb 2) the unconjugated form of a verb 3) the form of the verb that means to + the meaning of the verb.
Nous finissons Je regarde.. Le Présent Ils vendent.
Lhoroscope pour 2013 Objectifs: to be able to understand horoscopes and use the near future tense.
Lhoroscope pour 2013 Objectifs: to be able to understand horoscopes and use the near future and FUTURE tense.
Le futur proche The immediate future tense means “I am going to …”
Pour commencer … Read the statements below and put them into three columns depending on whether they are written in the past, present or future tense.
Le mot du jour Péter (v) je pète tu pètes il pète nous pétons vous pétez ils pètent Passé Composé: pété Bonus!!! Un pet (n) Example: Je me suis gêné quand.
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Irregular verbs Irregular verbs are verbs (doing words) that don’t follow the normal rules. Because of this, we have to learn them by heart. Thankfully,
The one exception:  All verbs that end in –er are regular, with one exception.  That is aller which means “to go.”
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Conjugation for –er verbs
ALLERALLER “to go”. Aller – to go Je vais Tu vas Il/Elle/On va Nous allons Vous allez Ils/Elles vont.
Je vais aller à Paris L’objectif: 1.To identify a verb in its infinitive form 2.To know how to form the near future tense mercredi cinq mai 2010 en classe.
Learning Objectives: To be able to say what you and other people are going to do using the NEAR FUTURE tense.
WALT: practising sentences in the future and adding details to them to improve them WILF: To be able to produce sentences in the future (Grade D) To add.
Le futur Les objectives: Apprendre le temps futur
Le futur Objectif: to learn to recognise and use the future tense in French.
Le passé composé The perfect tense Eg: J’ai mangé une pizza I have eaten/ate a pizza.
Etre et Aller Une revue. Les normes: Communication 1.2 – Understanding the language Communication 1.2 – Understanding the language Comparisons 4.1 – Understanding.
Le mot du jour éternuer (v)
How do you conjugate a regular –er verb? You drop the –er Ex: parler  parl jouer  jou travailler  habiter 
To express an action in the future: conjugate aller + infinitive le futur proche Demain, je vais visiter ma grand-mère.
Le verbe “aller”.
French Verb Conjugation J’ai Vous êtes Ils finissent Nous commençons on vend Elles font Il va elle vient Puis-je Vous voulez.
Les verbes français Objective: Understand the tense of the verbs and how to conjugate your very first verb.
Tenses in French.
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How to give details about what you are going to do.
le futur Le but: I can recognise the 2 future tenses
La prononciation française Ge gi make a soft jeee sound Ga /Go / G+ consonant harsh G sound généralement génial Manger église gomme goût Géographie gâteaux.
Révision du Français 1. Un ami L’ami Une amie L’amie.
Le futur proche Français 8-1 – Unité 1.
© Boardworks Ltd 2003 Present tense of aller Here is the whole of the verb aller. It means ‘to go’ in English. Je Tu Il / Elle Nous Vous Ils / Elles vais.
L’OBJECTIF: Je vais apprendre à utiliser le futur en français.
L’OBJECTIF: Je vais apprendre à utiliser le futur en français.
+ Le futur proche. + The immediate future tense Aller is also used to form the immediate future. So to talk about what you are going to do, use aller.
Le mot du jour gifler (v)
‘Oddballs !’ Some more irregular verb revision in the Present Tense.
ALLER HOW DO WE CONJUGATE THE VERB ALLER? Click on the fleur de lys to advance to next slide.
Par Mme. Cook. Aller means « to go. » Je vais Nous allons Tu vas Vous allez Il Elle va Ils, Elles vont on.
Faites correspondre les infinitifs
Nous allons.... Réviser le verbe aller (to go)
We all ready know two French verbs. What are they?
Le Futur en français =. KEY VERB: aller – to go Je vais Tu vas Il / Elle va Nous allons Vous allez Ils / Elles vont I am going You are going (friendly)
Je vais aller à Paris L’objectif: 1.To identify a verb in its infinitive form 2.To know how to form the near future tense Play the presentation & complete.
Echauffement: mardi, le vingt-quatre janvier, deux mille douze Translate the following sentences into French: 1. We go to the store.  Nous allons au magasin.
Present tense Lesson objective: To revise how to form the present tense.
SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
Learning objective: To understand how to create the past tense in French “Le Passé Composé”
Transcription de la présentation:


How to say “I am going to do something” The Future Tense How to say “I am going to do something”

First we need to revise the verb aller – to go Je vais Tu vas Il va Elle va On va Nous allons Vous allez Ils vont Elles vont I am going You are going (s) He is going She is going One is going /we are going We are going You are going (pl) They are going (m) They are going (f)

Can you remember them? They are going (m) You are going (s) One is going /we are going He is going They are going (f) I am going You are going (pl) She is going We are going Ils vont Tu vas On va Il va Elles vont Je vais Vous allez She is going Nous allons

Then we add an infinitive This is the dictionary definition. It means to do something. You can usually recognise an infinitive because it is a verb that ends in either… –er -ir -re For example Manger – to eat Finir – to finish Vendre – to sell

In the dictionary, try and find the following infinitives – REMEMBER they must end in –er, -ir, or -re To watch To try To speak To share To choose To leave To go out To reply To take regarder essayer parler partager choisir partir sortir répondre prendre

Then we put it together… Je vais manger tu vas finir il va écouter elle va choisir on va partir nous allons partir vous allez lire ils vont parler elles vont répondre I am going to eat you are going to finish he is going to listen she is going to choose we are going to leave you are going to read (pl) they are going to speak (m) they are going to reply

écoute – vrai ou faux? il va écouter elle va prendre je vais aller tu vas voyager nous allons courir vous allez présenter je vais visiter elle va continuer elles vont acheter ils vont lire  

Lis L’horoscope Poissons Tu vas gagner you are going to des millions! Tu vas habiter dans un château et tu vas avoir une belle voiture horoscope Pisces you are going to win millions! You are going to live in a castle and have a beautiful car.

utilise ton cahier rouge! Écriture Écris un horoscope pour un ami/ une amie Voici les signes du zodiaque en français. Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Bélier Taureau Gémeaux Cancer Lion Vierge Balance Scorpion Sagittaire Capricorne Verseau Poissons Attention! utilise ton cahier rouge! lis ton horoscope!

On a appris comment parler au futur! Félicitations! Aujourd’hui… On a appris comment parler au futur!