Understanding instructions in French


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Transcription de la présentation:

Understanding instructions in French

Entrez! A1 What does the teacher mean? Click in the centre of the page to see if you are right! A1

Accrochez vos manteaux!

Asseyez-vous! A3

Levez-vous! A4

Taisez-vous! A5

...en silence! A6

Faites attention! A7

Écoutez attentivement!

Répétez! A9

Levez le doigt! ‘doigt’ means finger, so a cultural note is appropriate here: In France pupils will raise a finger when they want to indicate that they know the answer. Click to the left to reveal the teacher demonstrating the point. A10

Levez le doigt! ‘doigt’ means finger, so a cultural note is appropriate here: In France pupils will raise a finger when they want to indicate that they know the answer. Click to the left to reveal the teacher demonstrating the point. In France, pupils are asked to put up their finger, rather than their hand, if they know the answer.

Sors les livres, s’il te plaît

Distribue les livres, s’il te plaît

End of set A

Regardez et écoutez! B1 What does the teacher mean? Click in the centre of the page to see if you are right! B1

Lisez...! B2

Lis à haute voix! B3

Travaillez avec un ou une partenaire! B4

Posez des questions! B5

Répondez! B6

Échangez vos copies! B7

Ouvrez vos livres! B8

Écrivez! B9

Dessinez! B10

Coloriez! B11

Comparez vos réponses! B12

End of set B

Mettez-vous en groupes de trois! What does the teacher mean? Click in the centre of the page to see if you are right! C1

Faites un cercle! C2

Arrêtez! C3

Posez vos crayons! C4

Fermez vos livres! C5

Apportez-moi votre cahier!

Ramasse les cahiers, s’il te plaît

Rangez vos affaires! C8

Mettez votre chaise sur la table!

Mettez-vous en rang! C10

Ne vous bousculez pas! C11

Allez-y! C12

End of presentation < Back to start