jolie belle
fort forte
maigre mince
gros grosse
grandpetit grandepetite
bon bonne mauvais mauvais e
poli polie
impoli impolie
gentil gentille
idiot idiote
sympa sympathique
heureux heureuse
malheureux malheureuse
‘Les Sentiments’ feuille
heureux heureuse
fâché fâchée
peureux peureuse
curieux curieuse
surpris surprise
embarrassé embarrassée
fier fière
excité excitée
gentil gentille
méchant méchante
désolé désolée
Quelques Comparaisons
vs. heureux heureuse fier fière excité excitée malheureux malheureuse triste
vs. gentil gentille poli polie sympa sympathique méchant méchante fâché fâchée impoli impolie
vs. maigre mince gros grosse
vs. faible fort
beau bellejolie
désolé désolée timide embarrassé embarrassée
idiot idiote drôle
peureux peureuse surpris surprise
curieux curieuse
Comparing people Elle est plus belle que George. Il est moins heureux que Sylvie. Mon frère est aussi fort que ton frère. Elle est meilleure que George.Elle est aussi bonne que George. Il est pire que Sylvie.Il est aussi mauvais que Sylvie. She is more beautiful than George. He is less cheerful than George. My brother is as strong as your brother. She is better than George. She is as good as George. He is as bad as George. He is worse than George. plus… que = more… than moins… que = less… than aussi.. que=as… as To compare people or things you use the phrases above. You put the adjective in between the two words, just like in English. For example, to say “more pretty than” you say “plus joli que”. However, you cannot say ‘more good than’, ‘less good than’, ‘more bad than’, or ‘less bad than.’ This is bad grammar in French JUST LIKE it is in English! Instead, you need to say ‘better than,’ which is ‘meilleur que’ or ‘worse than,’ which is ‘pire que.’ You are allowed to say ‘as good as’ (aussi bon que) or ‘as bad as’ (aussi mauvais que) though. Also, make sure that your adjective agrees with the subject. For instance, if you notice the first example, you will see that “belle” is feminine, because we are talking about ‘elle’ or ‘she’ which is also feminine.
Go through the next slides and see if you can remember the words that go with them.