Aimer – to like, to love j’aimenous aimons tu aimesvous aimez elle aimeils aiment.


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SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
Aimer = to like (It’s a normal ER verb)
-er verbs French I.
Vocabulaire d’Unité 3, leçon 5 Activities
Expressing likes and dislikes use a conjugation of the infinitive verb AIMER add an infinitive of an action you like to do. J’aime danser. J’aime nager.
Transcription de la présentation:

aimer – to like, to love j’aimenous aimons tu aimesvous aimez elle aimeils aiment

préférer – to prefer je préfèrenous préférons tu préfèresvous préférez elle préfèreils préfèrent

To express “to like to do” or “to prefer to do” To express to like to do or to prefer to do something, conjugate aimer or préférer and combine it with the infinitive form of another verb. I like to sing, but I prefer to dance. J’aime chanter, mais je préfère danser.

To express “to NOT like to do” or “to prefer NOT to do” Remember that when making negatives in French, ne and pas surround the conjugated verb. I like to sing, but I prefer not to dance. J’aime chanter, mais je ne préfère pas danser.

practice Render these expressions in French: I study everyday, but I prefer to play basketball. everyday = toujours; play basketball = jouer au basket She studies, but she prefers to dance. He doesn’t like to study. We prefer to play video games. jouer aux jeux vidéo They don’t like to read. You love to swim. We love to eat. I do not prefer to watch television.