Epreuve 1 revisions Watch the following Powerpoint and write a roleplay about buying food and a roleplay about buying clothes in your exercise-book or.


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Au café At a café. Le sandwich au saucisson Le sandwich au jambon.
Transcription de la présentation:

Epreuve 1 revisions Watch the following Powerpoint and write a roleplay about buying food and a roleplay about buying clothes in your exercise-book or on lined paper

Rôle-plays Instructions will be given in English. You need to say the French. You will not be allowed to write anything down. You will have a few minutes to read through your 2 rôle-plays before the test.

Shopping for food You are in a shop in France and you need ****** and ******. You will speak first. 1. greet the shop keeper 2. ask for **** 3. say you want **** 4. say that you would like **** 5. ask for the price 6. say goodbye

Shopping for clothes B. You are in a shop in France and you want *****.Your teacher will speak first. 1. say you are looking for **** 2. say you want a ***** 3. ask if you could try it 4. say that it’s perfect 5. ask for the price 6. say that it’s too expensive/ cheap etc…

Vocabulaire Bonjour Je voudrais du / de la / des… Donnez-moi… Je voudrais aussi … Ça fait combien? Au revoir

Vocabulaire Je cherche un /une… Je voudrais… Je peux essayer? C’est parfait Ça fait combien? Ce n’est pas cher / trop cher etc….

Exemple… Professeur Bonjour vous désirez? De quelle couleur? Voilà, ça vous plait? Oui, c’est par-là. Alors? Très bien. Ça fait 234 euros. Elève Je cherche un pyjama Je voudrais un pyjama vert Je peux essayer? C’est parfait! Combien ça fait? Oh la la, c’est trop cher!