(Comparative of similar degree). The Italian Prince was… funny.


Présentations similaires
Les descriptions.

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L’accord des adjectifs
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Les Adjectifs Possessifs
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Transcription de la présentation:

(Comparative of similar degree)

The Italian Prince was… funny

The Spanish Prince was… intelligent

The French Prince was… elegant

The Swiss Prince was… rich

The German Prince was… tall

The Scottish Prince was… strong

The Irish Prince was… kind

Italian Scottish German French Irish Swiss Spanish

The comparative with similar degree

Observe les phrases suivantes : The Scottish Prince is as tall as the German Prince. The Scottish Prince is as intelligent as the French Prince. The gardener isn’t as elegant as the Spanish Prince. Zoe isn’t as pretty as her cousin Pamela.

Souligne en vert les adjectifs. Souligne en rouge les mots entourant ces adjectifs. Que remarques- tu ? The Scottish Prince is as tall as the German Prince. The Scottish Prince is as intelligent as the French Prince. The gardener isn’t as elegant as the Spanish Prince. Zoe isn’t as pretty as her cousin Pamela.  Les mots entourant les adjectifs sont similaires => AS

Complète : Pour établir un rapport d’équivalence entre deux objets, deux personnes, on utilise ………………… + adjectif + …………………………… comme dans l’énonce 1 et 2. Pour établir un rapport d’inéquivalence entre deux objets, deux personnes, on utilise ………………+……………+ adjectif + ……………comme dans l’énoncé 3 et 4. On appelle ce procédé le comparatif…………………………… AS NOT D’EGALITE

-« Are you as….……as………….? » (-« Yes, I am/No, I’m not »)

Are you as beautiful as Cinderella?  Beautiful  Cinderella

Are you as hardworking as Snow White?  Hardworking  Snow White

Are you as tired as Sleepy?  Tired  Sleepy

Are you as ugly as the witch?  Ugly  The witch

Are you as shy as Bashful?  Shy  Bashful

Are you as strong as Gaston?  Strong  Gaston

Are you as bossy as Doc?  Bossy  Doc

Are you as elegant as the Prince Charming?  Elegant  The Prince Charming

Are you as fat as Shrek?  Fat  Shrek

Read your worksheet (Grammar) and do the exercise about Cinderella at the end of your worksheet