Card sorting Cut out the cards, then try to sort them into 4 groups. You’ll need to think about: -What the words mean -How they’re spelt -Which ones you.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Card sorting Cut out the cards, then try to sort them into 4 groups. You’ll need to think about: -What the words mean -How they’re spelt -Which ones you think go together THERE’S NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWER – AS LONG AS YOU CAN EXPLAIN WHY YOU CHOSE THOSE GROUPS

What gender is this word? Copy the table and put each word in the right column, to show if the word is masculine, feminine or plural Clue: look at the word that comes before it! mon chienune sourisma soeurles chats la tortuele chatmes parentsun oiseau ma cousinemon cousinles poissons MasculineFemininePlural Le chat Une souris Les chats Un oiseau Ma cousineMes parents Mon chienMa soeurLes poissons Mon cousinLa tortue

Adjectives An adjective is a word that describes something. Can you tell which of these English words are adjectives? redplaybigfunnymaths tenbrowndogworkingschool boringsisterhappyboyfriendly threechattypenshello

Adjectives If you want to use an adjective in French, you have to know the gender of the word it’s describing. You also need to know if there is more than one of it. Why?? Look at these sentences and see if you can tell why it’s important to know the gender of a word. Mon chat est brun. Ma souris est brune. Mon grand-père est amusant. Ma grand-mère est amusante. Mes frères sont intelligents. Mes soeurs sont intelligentes. Mes crayons sont bleus. Mes gommes sont bleues.

Adjectives The usual rules for adjectives are: Describing a masculine word – leave it as it isBLEU Describing a feminine word – add E BLEUE Describing a masculine plural word – add SBLEUS Describing a feminine plural word- add ESBLEUES Can you fill in the right endings on these adjectives? 1.Mon chat est noir 2.Ma souris est brunes 3.Ma grand-mère est bleue 4.Mes cousins sont amusants 5.Le hamster est vert 6.Les cochons d’Inde sont petits 7.La tortue est grande

Adjectives (describing words) If you use an adjective in French, you have to know if the word it’s describing is masculine or feminine. You also need to know if there is more than one of it. The usual rules for adjectives are: Describing a masculine word – leave it as it isBLEU Describing a feminine word – add E BLEUE Describing a masculine plural word – add SBLEUS Describing a feminine plural word- add ESBLEUES

Spotting mistakes! These adjectives all have the wrong ending. Can you correct them? 1.Mon chien est noir 2.Ma tortue est brune 3.Ma tante est intelligente 4.Mes cousines sont amusantes 5.Le serpent est vert 6.Les lapins sont petites 7.La tortue est grande 8.Le perroquet est bavard

These adjectives follow the rule you wrote down. Can you write the French & English next to each other? intelligentamusantbavardmarrantgrand bleu strict vertbrun noir petit Green = vert Blue = bleu Brown = brun Black = noir Big/tall = grand Small =petit Funny = amusant Clever = intelligent Chatty = bavard Fun = marrant Strict = strict

vert gris rouge brun jaune bleu noir rose Add: E for feminine words S for masculine plural ES for feminine plural Add: S for plural words Add: E for feminine words ES for feminine plural