le futur Le but: I can recognise the 2 future tenses


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“Aller” is a very important verb.

Lesson objective: to revise the future tense
Le futur. La formation Use present tense avoir endings –ai ons –as ez –a ont.
1. Je joue au football. 2. Tu as mangé une pizza. 3. Il va regarder la télévision. 4. Nous allons visiter le musée. 5. Vous avez organisé une visite. 6.
Welcome to this weeks Eiffel Thour! 7.06 Futur Proche.
What are the tenses you already know in French ?
What are the tenses you already know in French ?
Talking about what you are going to do in the future tense! 
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To identify a verb in its infinitive form
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Le Futur. Le Futur Avec Aller You have already learned to use the verb aller conjugated + infinitive to say what you are going to do. Je vais travailler.Nous.
Quand on dit des choses que vont passer
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Le futur et le temps (weather)
L/O: to know the formation of the future tense. In the following sentences, use the context to decide whether the perfect or imperfect verb is needed:
Notes le 19 avril Le futur simple (The simple future) We have previously learned how to make the future using aller + infinitive. Je vais éplucher ces.
Le Futur.
utiliser le futur simple.
The one exception:  All verbs that end in –er are regular, with one exception.  That is aller which means “to go.”
French Hammer the Grammar Aim: to be confident using the present tense To formulate accurate sentences using the present tense of …ir / …re/ …er verbs.
LE FUTUR Muckross Park College WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It means how to translate « will » or « won’t »
The simple future tense = what WILL happen in the future
Verbe + Infinitive.
Je vais aller à Paris L’objectif: 1.To identify a verb in its infinitive form 2.To know how to form the near future tense mercredi cinq mai 2010 en classe.
WALT: practising sentences in the future and adding details to them to improve them WILF: To be able to produce sentences in the future (Grade D) To add.
Futur simple.  French Tenses French Tenses  Choose an infinitive Choose an infinitive  -er future -er future  -ir future -ir future  -re future -re.
DES EXPRESSIONS AVEC LE FUTUR SIMPLE. I. PRESENT TENSE Si = if To tell what will happen if something else happens, use: Si + present tense, future tense.
Le passé composé The perfect tense Eg: J’ai mangé une pizza I have eaten/ate a pizza.
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Qui est présent? Écoutons Les préférences Vocabulaire: les activités Panorama Culturel.
Le futur 1. formation.
How do you conjugate a regular –er verb? You drop the –er Ex: parler  parl jouer  jou travailler  habiter 
Le futur simple ai ai ons ons as as ez ez a a ont ont.
Français II – Leçon 3B Structures
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The Conditional Tense (a) ~ used to say what would happen if something else occurred (b) ~ also used to talk about intentions or ambitions.
Tenses in French.
Fais correspondre! Faire du VTT Faire du camping Faire du canoë
Ce matin, j’ai pris le petit déjeuner devant la télévision.
Le futur simple Le futur proche Le passé composé Le présent simple
OBJECTIFS: To know how to form the proper future tense (“will” not “going to”). To practise listening and speaking skills.
La prononciation française Ge gi make a soft jeee sound Ga /Go / G+ consonant harsh G sound généralement génial Manger église gomme goût Géographie gâteaux.
Futur Simple an action which happens in the future.
Le Futur Simple ‘WILL’ dans le futur.
The Future Tense (Le futur) The future tense is formed by adding “avoir” endings to the infinitive of a verb. Ai As A Ons Ez Ont parlerai choisirai Parleras.
Le Futur! To talk about something that will happen, we use the future tense.
 To be able to use the future tense to say what you are going to do (necessary for NC Level 5c)  To be able to use the future tense to say what other.
Les verbes au passé PASSÉ J’ai gagné J’ai voyagé Était (x2) Il y avait
Par Mme. Cook. Aller means « to go. » Je vais Nous allons Tu vas Vous allez Il Elle va Ils, Elles vont on.
JE is I TU is YOU IL HE ELLE is SHE ON means ONE NOUS is WE and VOUS can mean YOU ALL ILS is THEY (ELLES is THEY!) and VOUS can also mean YOU FORMAL JE.
Français I – Leçon 6A Structures demonstrative adjectives passé composé with avoir.
Révision Grammaire Examen Final Printemps. The future tense (will ______) The future tense in French is formed by taking the infinitive and adding the.
What is it Mademoiselle?  This is another way of conjugating verbs in the future! (Remember learning Futur proche? Aller + infinitive)
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Mes préférences At the end of this lesson; you will be able to:
Je vais aller à Paris L’objectif: 1.To identify a verb in its infinitive form 2.To know how to form the near future tense Play the presentation & complete.
Notes les avril Le conditionnel (The Conditional) À Paris, on parlerait français avec tout le monde. In Paris, we would speak French with everybody.
T HE C ONDITIONAL T ENSE. The French conditional mood is very similar to the English conditional mood. It describes events that are not guaranteed to.
Future - For regular verbs : the infinitive (drop the final “e” for infinitives ending in –RE) - For irregular verbs: the irregular stem (see below for.
SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
The future tense. Expressions you will need to talk about the future 1.Demain 2.Le week-end prochain 3.Samedi prochain 4.L’ été prochain 5.La semaine.
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Learning objective: To understand how to create the past tense in French “Le Passé Composé”
Transcription de la présentation:

le futur Le but: I can recognise the 2 future tenses I can use verbs tables to help me create future sentences. Nom ________________ le futur Are these phrases passé composé, present or future? Je suis allé en ville On va aller ensemble Je me suis douché J’aimerais être prof J’’ai mangé un McDo Il faut étudier Je vais au centre Je kiffe le sport C’est bon pour la santé Ca me fait rire Ils me donnent l’argent Je vais rester ici J’ai rencontré des copains Je n’ai pas aimé J’irai

There are 2 ways to say you will do something in the future ….. 1. The FUTUR PROCHE aller + infinitive of a verb = ….. going to... 2. The FUTUR SIMPLE …will…

ALLER To infinitive.... and beyond! _er _ir _re Conjuguez aller au present. _er _ir _re

To form the future tense….. Take the infinitive….. (except take off the E for RE verbs) and add the following endings…. ai I WILL PLAY as _______________ jouer a _______________ ons _______________ ez _______________ ont _______________

Traduisez en anglais: Je jouerai Il jouera Nous jouerons Je porterai Je regarderai Il se levera On nagera Ils nageront Je mangerai Vous mangerez Extension – 11. tu boiras, 12. il marchera, 13. nous parlerons, 14. je travaillerai, 15. on bavardera, 16. tu etudieras

Extension – make these into full sentences Traduisez en français: He will watch They will eat We will work You will play She will finish I will go out We will give You will leave I will drink We will sell Extension – make these into full sentences

Match these with their equivalents I will go He will go They will have I will run We will have to I will have to You will send I will be They will be I will do It will be necessary They will die It will rain She will come I will want On devra / nous devrons Ils auront Je serai Je voudrai Je devrai Il ira Ils seront Je ferai Elle viendra Tu enverras / vous enverrez J’irai Je courrai Il faudra Il pleuvra Ils mourront

Pick out the future tense phrases Salut les enfants. Vous voulez savoir ce qui va passer au futur?? Bon…. D’abord on voyagera a la lune dans les fusées, le voyage va durer environ cinq heures. En plus, je vois qu’il y aura des robots qui nous conduiront dans les vaisseaux spatiales. Finalement, l’homme de mes rêves me mariera !! Pick out the future tense phrases Pick out what she thinks will happen in the future.

Use the phrases and your new found knowledge of the future tense to describe what you think will happen in the future in 50 words.