1 Pour? a Je voudrais la soupe. 2 Comme dessert b Jaime le poulet. 3 Comme entrée c Sil vous plaît 4 Que? d boire? 5 Comme plat principal e Je voudrais.


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Transcription de la présentation:

1 Pour? a Je voudrais la soupe. 2 Comme dessert b Jaime le poulet. 3 Comme entrée c Sil vous plaît 4 Que? d boire? 5 Comme plat principal e Je voudrais une glace 6 De leau, f Prends-tu?

Nous allons…….. Apprendre comment commander au restaurant et dire I would like What are you going to have? For a starter… For the main course… For dessert… The bill, please.

Quest-ce que tu prends ? 1 I would like a croissant and a coffee please. 2 I would like a ham sandwich and a coke please. 3 I would like an omelette with salad and a lemonade. 4. I would like the dish of the day and a small beer. 5. I would like a hamburger and chips and a mineral water.

Quest-ce que tu prends? 1 I would a croissant and coffee please. 2 I would like a ham sandwich and a coke please. 3 I would like an omelette with salad and a lemonade. 4. I would like the dish of the day and a small beer. 5. I would like a hamburger and chips and a mineral water. Je voudrais un croissant et un café. Je voudrais un sandwich au jambon et un coca cola sil vous plaît. Je voudrais une omelette et une limonade Je voudrais le plat du jour et un demi Je voudrais un hamburger et une eau minérale.

Quest-ce que tu prends? 1 I would like a croissant and a coffee please. 2 I would like a ham sandwich and a coke please. 3 I would like an omelette with salad and a lemonade. 4. I would like the dish of the day and a small beer. 5. I would like a hamburger and chips and a mineral water.

Nous avons …….. Appris comment commander et dire I would like What are you going to have? For a starter… For the main course… For dessert… The bill, please.