Je/j tu il elle nous vous ils elles I you he she we you they Les sujets (je, tu etc…)


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Des verbes irréguliers
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Welcome to French Live Lessons!
Les questions? Je m’appelle Sam J’ai douze ans
Verbe + Infinitive.
Les verbes en -er. –er 5000 –er verbs !!!  They are called REGULAR verbs because about 5000 verbs have the same endings.  It’s a good idea to learn.
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Le verbe “aller”.
J’aime: I like Je n’aime pas: I don’t like
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Qui est présent? Écoutons Les préférences Vocabulaire: les activités Panorama Culturel.
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+ Les verbes en « er » et la négation Pages
Les sujets (je, tu etc…) I je/j’ you tu il he elle she nous we vous
AGREE OR DISAGREE Read each statement. Then, using the second sentence as a clue, fill in the blank with the correct way to agree or disagree with the.
Mes loisirs Learning Objectives In this lesson you will learn to talk about what activities you like to do/ or don’t like to do.
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JOUER (to play), FAIRE (to do) and ALLER (to go) You’ll need these 3 verbs to talk about the sports and activities that people do. Follow these rules.
Nous allons.... Réviser le verbe aller (to go)
 Will be able to correctly give names of pets with some colours ( level 2)  Will be able to extend sentences by adding additional information such as.
Goal: to be able to say what you can do Grammar – using ON PEUT + the infinitive.
AGREE OR DISAGREE Read each statement. Then, using the second sentence as a clue, fill in the blank with the correct way to agree or disagree with the.
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Mes préférences At the end of this lesson; you will be able to:
Objectives: to be able to say what you can do in my town. Grammar – using ON PEUT + the infinitive.
Jechante An activity, something that you do. Many (but NOT all) verbs in French end in –ER Parler = TO talk Jouer = TO play Chanter = TO sing Nager =
J’aime/ Je n’aime pas/ J’adore/ Je déteste…
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Les sports Objectifs: Level 2/3 - To be able to give your opinion about some sports in French. Level 3+ - to link time/routine and sport using connectives.
SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
L’objectif: to know the words for school subjects in French.
Transcription de la présentation:

je/j tu il elle nous vous ils elles I you he she we you they Les sujets (je, tu etc…)

Les opinions Jadore Je naime pas Jaime Je déteste

Les verbes jouer manger arriver faire écouter parler

jouer + au + sport

faire + du + sport faire + de la + sport faire + de l + sport

je jadore jadore jouer jadore jouer au foot jadore jouer au foot avec mes copains jadore jouer au foot avec mes copains parce que cest cool ! avec = with et = and mais = but parce que = because La pyramide sujet (je, tu..) + opinion + verbe (infinitif) + sport + extra

je Je déteste Je déteste faire Je déteste faire de la danse Je déteste faire de la danse au collège Je déteste faire de la danse au collège parce que cest moche! avec = with et = and mais = but parce que = because La pyramide sujet (je, tu..) + opinion + verbe (infinitif) + sport + extra

Using your pyramid sheet write as long a sentence as you can! A challenge! The record to beat from my gr.7 last year is 18 words!

Memorise one of your 2 pyramid sentences and say it to your partner or a teacher The next challenge!