The vowel sounds [ø] and [œ]. The vowel sound [ø] The vowel sound [ø] in veux is represented by the letter combinationeu. It is pronounced with the lips.


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Transcription de la présentation:

The vowel sounds [ø] and [œ]

The vowel sound [ø] The vowel sound [ø] in veux is represented by the letter combinationeu. It is pronounced with the lips rounded and the tongue pressed against the back of the lower front teeth. To produce this sound, first make the sound /E/ as in algèbre, and hold it. Then round the lips slightly to the position for the sound /o/, as in photo.

The vowel sound [ø] Repeat these words: jeudi veux peu deux

The vowel sound [œ] The vowel sound [œ] in the word heure is similar to the sound in veux and is also represented by the letters eu. This sound is more open, however, and occurs when these letters are followed by a consonant sound in the same syllable. To produce this sound, first make the sound /E/, as in algèbre, and hold it. Then round the lips slightly to the position for the sound /כ/, as in short.

The vowel sound [œ] Practice these words: classeur feuille heure

The vowel sounds [ø] and [œ] Repeat the following words: jeudidéjeunerpeux deuxveutmieux ordinateurjeunesheure feuilleclasseurveulent

The vowel sounds [ø] and [œ] Practice reading these sentences aloud: Tu as deux ordinateurs? On peut étudier chez toi jeudi? Tu veux manger des escargots? Cest délicieux! On va à la Maison des jeunes? A quelle heure? Tu as une feuille de papier? Je nai pas mon classeur.