1.Est-ce que tu as un portable? __________________________________________________________ 2. Est-ce que tu as une voiture? __________________________________________________________.


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Transcription de la présentation:

1.Est-ce que tu as un portable? __________________________________________________________ 2. Est-ce que tu as une voiture? __________________________________________________________ 3. Est-ce que tu as un vélo? ___________________________________________________________ 4. Est-ce que tu as un portable? ___________________________________________________________


Est-ce que tu as … ? Do you have a …. Oui, jai … Yes, I have …

Est-ce que tu as … ? Do you have a …. Oui, jai … Yes, I have …

Est-ce que tu as … ? Do you have a …. Oui, jai … Yes, I have … une téléun DVD

Est-ce que tu as … ? Do you have a …. Oui, jai … Yes, I have … une radio un vélo (une bicyclette) une voiture (une auto) un baladeur

Est-ce que tu as … ? Do you have a …. Oui, jai … Yes, I have … un appareil-photo une calculatrice un ordinateur une montre

un scooter une mobylette une moto Est-ce que tu as … ? Do you have a …. Oui, jai … Yes, I have … un portable un CD

Liste dactivité Write a sentence for 8 of the pictured vocabulary words. Use: cest un(e) __________________ Create a two column matching exercise with all the new vocabulary words. Name 3 additional personal belongings and label in French. Select 10 vocabulary words, and in French, ask a question: do you have a (an) Example: Est-ce que tu as un(e)__________? Oui, jai un(e) __________________. Review slide # 9 or page 142, select 5 personal objects and indicate if « it works or does not work » by writing a sentence for each. Vocabulary handout: Complete the exercise by indicating which item you prefer. Explain: What did you learn about talking about things you have in French