The simple future tense = what WILL happen in the future


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Transcription de la présentation:

The simple future tense = what WILL happen in the future Le futur simple The simple future tense = what WILL happen in the future

Le futur simple forming the STEM Regular –er and –ir verbs … use the infinitive (parler, partir) Regular –re verbs … use the infinitive drop the “e” (attendre  attendr ) Irregular verbs… always end in an “r”

Le futur simple Irregular verb stems Être  ser Faire  fer Aller  ir Avoir  aur Vouloir  voudr Pouvoir  pourr Voir  verr

Le futur simple Future endings Je __________-ai Tu__________-as Il ___________-a Nous________-ons Vous ________-ez Ils __________-ont

Le futur simple Note: I will eat lots of croissants. In English the word “will” is not directly translated to French. The conjugation of a verb in le futur simple implies that something will happen I will eat lots of croissants. Je mangerai beacoup de croissants.

The conditional tense = what WOULD happen in certain circumstances Le conditionnel The conditional tense = what WOULD happen in certain circumstances

Le conditionnel forming the STEM Same as future stems! Regular –er and –ir verbs … use the infinitive (parler, partir) Regular –re verbs … use the infinitive drop the “e” (attendre  attendr ) Irregular verbs… always end in an “r”

Le conditionnel Irregular verb stems Same as future stems! Être  ser Faire  fer Aller  ir Avoir  aur Vouloir  voudr Pouvoir  pourr Voir  verr

Le conditionnel conditional endings Same as IMAPARFAIT endings Je __________-ais Tu__________-ais Il ___________-ait Nous________-ions Vous ________-iez Ils __________-aient

Le conditionnel Note: I would eat lots of croissants. In English the word “would” is not directly translated to French. The conjugation of a verb in le conditionnel implies that something would happen I would eat lots of croissants. Je mangerais beacoup de croissants.

Translate these sentences: You (tu) will sing. We will watch the television tonight. She would buy the dress. I will play tennis tomorrow. I would use a dictionary. They will be nice. You (vous) would go to France.

Translate these sentences: You (tu) will sing. We will watch the television tonight. She would buy the dress. I will play tennis. I would use a dictionary. They will be nice. You (vous) would go to France. Tu chanteras. Nous regarderons la télévision ce soir. Elle achèterait la robe. Je jouerai au tennis. J’utiliserais un dictionnaire. Ils seront sympathiques. Vous iriez a la France.

When to use Si + present + FUTUR Example: Si tu es intelliegent, tu étudieras pour l’examen. Si + imperfect + CONDITIONAL Example: Si j’ étais triste, je téléphonerais ma mère.

Comparisons futur conditionnel