Jo Rhys-Jones Kingswear Primary School 2007


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Transcription de la présentation:

Jo Rhys-Jones Kingswear Primary School 2007 La météo pause and encourage class to repeat the phrase Jo Rhys-Jones Kingswear Primary School 2007

Il fait beau The weather is fine pause and encourage class to repeat the phrase The weather is fine

Il fait mauvais The weather is bad pause and encourage class to repeat the phrase The weather is bad

Il fait beau Il y a du soleil pause and encourage class to repeat the phrases what do they think soleil might mean?

Il fait mauvais Il y a des nuages pause and encourage class to repeat the phrases what do they think nuages might be?

Il y a du soleil encourage class to repeat the phrase louder…and softer…happily and in a ‘sunny’ way

Il y a des nuages encourage class to repeat the phrase louder…and softer…gloomily and in a ‘cloudy’ way

Il pleut repeat several times with the class. can they add an action to help them remember the words? (wiggle fingers as raindrops or mime putting up an umbrella?)

Il neige repeat several times with the class. can they add an action to help them remember the words? (ask the class for ideas)

repeat loudly and make large gestures – you are not going to get to use this often and it quickly becomes their favourite Il fait orageux

say it and mime being blown about, can you pretend to be ‘shouting’ the words above the wind? what english words to help us remember vent=wind do we derive from vent? (ventilation etc) Il y a du vent

brrrr it’s cold – stamp your feet and rub your arms – shiver as you repeat this one. Il fait froid

phew it’s hot! wow – look exhausted, wipe your brow and say ‘chaud’ as you exhale. who can do the best mime for chaud? who can say chaud and look really hot? Il fait chaud

Il y a du brouillard Eyes squinting, hands outstretched in front of you, confused look on your face. Oh and have fun with the word brouillard – we just don’t get words like this in English so say it several times and roll it around your mouth.

draw the rainbow in the air with your finger as you say arc-en-ciel draw the rainbow in the air with your finger as you say arc-en-ciel. what do these words mean literally when you look them up in a French dictionary? (arch in the sky) Il y a un arc-en-ciel

Quel temps fait-il? Il pleut

Quel temps fait-il? Il neige

Quel temps fait-il? Il fait orageux

Quel temps fait-il? Il fait froid

Quel temps fait-il? il y a du vent

Quel temps fait-il? Il neige

Quel temps fait-il? Il y a du soleil Il fait chaud Il y a du vent

Match the sentences. Il y a du vent Il fait chaud Il fait froid Il y a du soleil Il pleut Il fait beau Il neige Il y a des nuages Il fait mauvais It is snowing It is cold It is cloudy It is hot The weather is bad It is sunny It is raining It is windy The weather is fine you can print out this slide as a worksheet for homework or classwork to follow up after the powerpoint has been shown or for the children to complete before you click on the next slide to show the answers

Match the sentences. Il y a du vent Il fait chaud Il fait froid Il y a du soleil Il pleut Il fait beau Il neige Il y a des nuages Il fait mauvais It is snowing It is cold It is cloudy It is hot The weather is bad It is sunny It is raining It is windy The weather is fine the answers go in order from the French side ie. il y a du vent, then il fait chaud etc.

à Paris il y a des nuages Quel temps fait-il à Paris? The phrases can be said either way around. ‘Il y a des nuages a Paris’ would be equally valid. à Paris il y a des nuages