Marchés cibles Pourquoi faire de la compression? Améliorer l’efficacité de l’infrastructure existante en améliorant l’utilisation de la bande passante Retarder l’expansion de l’infrastructure et minimiser l’investissement Réduire les coûts d’exploitation en maximisant l’utilisation des liaisons actuelles Qui a besoin de compresser la voix? Opérateurs Opérateurs alternatifs Opérateurs internationaux Téléphonie rurale ou satellite Opérateurs urbains de BLR Opérateurs cellulaires Câblo-opérateurs Société de services pour les communications voix et installateurs téléphoniques
Réseau voix traditionnel Alernative Vmux : Alternative VoIP : Services de téléphonie traditionnelle sont supportés Certains services de téléphonie standards ne sont pas supportés Protéger l’investissement client avec son infrastructure actuelle Investissement supplémentaires dans de nouveaux équipements pour la VoIP Signalisation du PBX et les caractéristiques associées restent identiques Signalisation du PBX et les caractéristiques associées ne restent pas toujours disponibles Pas d’adaptation nécessaire pour le PABX Adaptation requise du PABX Mise en oeuvre et déploiement rapide et au meilleur coût Mise en oeuvre et déploiement lent et plus onéreux Migration plus facile vers la To IP
PBX et Extension LAN sur réseau sans-fil, Satellite, T1/E1 ou liaisons IP Vmux-110 PBX Vmux-110 T1/E1 Satellite T1/E1 RS-530 RS-530 PBX Vmux-110 T1/E1 802.11 bridge 802.11 bridge Sans-fil (802.11) Vmux-110 PBX Connecting PBXs over IP – even over Public Internet!!! Your Needs To reduce network expenses by eliminating T1/E1 voice circuits between enterprise offices, while retaining all central site PBX features that are not supported by VoIP, such as voice mail, caller ID, Direct Station Select (DSS) and Busy Lamp Field (BLF). RAD Solution RAD’s Vmux product line utilizes TDMoIP (CV) technology to extend voice circuits (including signaling) transparently over IP networks and therefore eliminate the need for expensive T1/E1 voice circuits between enterprise offices. Transparent support for standard and proprietary signaling protocols, including ISDN PRI, Q.Sig, DPNSS and SS7, is important for the enterprise because it protects their investment in legacy PBXs and provides an evolutionary and simple means of supporting all phone features without expensive “forklift” upgrades. Business processes are not affected and there is no need to retrain users. In this application TDMoIP (CV) performs voice compression and silence suppression, before aggregating and multiplexing multiple voice channels into a single IP bundle. This combination provides a solution that uses less overhead and bandwidth than VoIP and is more tolerant of packet loss, latency and jitter. Therefore, the Vmux is ideal for applications where bandwidth is constrained (e.g. 802.11b wireless, cable, xDSL, Power Line Communications (PLC) or even the public Internet). Integrated Ethernet switches and optional analog voice interfaces in the Vmux-110 and Vmux-2100 simplify deployment at remote locations with a single box supporting all applications. PBX Vmux-110 CSU/DSU Complet ou fractionné T1/E1 CSU/DSU T1/E1 T1/E1 V.35 V.35 xDSL, cable, PLC VPN Router VPN Router Vmux-110 PBX PBX Vmux-110 T1/E1 T1/E1 Public Internet T1/E1
Circuits voix Multiples T1/E1 + Liaisons LAN ou T1/E1 fractionnées Internet Vmux-110 Siège CSU/DSU Fractional T1/E1 V.35 Server LAN Vmux-2100 TDM Vmux-110 T1/E1 CSU/DSU T1/E1 PSTN Channelized T1/E1 Fractional T1/E1 V.35 PBX ACD 16:1 Voice Compression: N x T1/E1 Voice over Fractional T1/E1 Links Your Needs To reduce network expenses by compressing T1/E1 voice circuits onto fractional / channelized T1/E1 links. All existing PBX features, such as voice mail, caller ID, Direct Station Select (DSS) and Busy Lamp Field (BLF), must be supported. RAD Solution RAD’s Vmux product line utilizes TDMoIP (CV) technology to extend voice circuits (including signaling) transparently over IP networks and therefore eliminate the need for expensive T1/E1 voice circuits between enterprise offices. Transparent support for standard and proprietary signaling protocols, including ISDN PRI, Q.Sig, DPNSS and SS7, is important for the enterprise because it protects their investment in legacy PBXs and provides an evolutionary and simple means of supporting all phone features without expensive “forklift” upgrades. Business processes are not affected and there is no need to retrain users. In this application TDMoIP (CV) performs voice compression and silence suppression, before aggregating and multiplexing multiple voice channels onto fractional / channelized T1/E1 links. Integrated Ethernet switches and optional analog voice interfaces in the Vmux-110 simplify deployment at remote locations with a single box supporting all applications. Vmux-2100 T1/E1 PSTN T1/E1 Fractional T1/E1 PSTN 16:1 Compression réduit les exigences en bande passante Connectivité Peer to Peer (P2P, P2MP,..) Totalement transparent dans les protocoles de signalisation pour le support de la voix, fax, modem, mail, CTI, DSS, BLF.
Vmux – Packetized CVS Statistical Packetized Voice System: Solution disponible la plus compacte: 16 E1s in 1U Options disponibles à la fois pour l’IP et les liaisons télécoms traditionnelles Pas de problèmes de synchronisation Support de signalisation: Qualité de la compression voix à 5.3kbps Relais Fax G3 2.4 à 14.4 kbps Support Modem transparent (Voice Band Data) S’assurer de la qualité de la voix sur le réseau et… même sur le réseau public internet