1 AWAP : Administrable Wireless Access Point Projet de fin détude 2003 Cédric Logeais Mathias Faure.


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Transcription de la présentation:

1 AWAP : Administrable Wireless Access Point Projet de fin détude 2003 Cédric Logeais Mathias Faure

2 Le Projet global

3 Introduction to AWAP Main objective: implementing a platform on which services are managed dynamically through a network Application developed: implementation of an intelligent Wireless antenna Environment of services: OSGi, and one of its free implementation Oscar

4 OSGi Started December 1998 as an initiative from ERICSSON, SUN and IBM Market trend : the ubiquity of broadband connectivity and Internet access in homes, offices, vehicles and mobile/portable devices increase from $2.4 billion in 2000 to $14.8 billion in 2005 for broadband revenue in the U.S home networking equipment and residential gateways will grow from $800 million in 2000 to $5.7 billion in 2004 Goal : define a software framework for all kind of service deployment on electronic devices

5 OSGi Overview

6 OSGi platform overview Enables the deployment of Java-oriented services : portable byte code, security... Component model Life Cycle : Install, Start, Stop, Update, Uninstall Remote management Basic utility services: Logging, HTTP, Device access

7 Implementation of AWAP First task of AWAP : implement the devices management, described in OSGI specification First application developed : management of the PCMCIA bus with a Wireless card

8 Devices Management 3 bundles families: core: bundles representing the device service specification tools: some tools and testing bundles sample: bundles for devices and driver samples. The example chosen for AWAP is the management of the PCMCIA bus.

9 Core bundles There are 2 core bundles: devicemanager.jar: provides the main implementation that listens to a registering device and tries to find a corresponding driver driverlocator.jar: provides a service that search drivers bundles for a specific device

10 Tools bundles There are 4 tools bundles: modulemanager : enables to install or remove Linux modules. logger: is a bundle that displays log results httpresources: is a bundle that registers the url mapping of the http server wlandrivertest : is a test bundle that triggers a test method on the wlandriver bundle.

11 Sample bundles There are 3 sample bundles: pcmciadevice : represents the PCMCIA bus in Oscar. pcmciadriver : is the driver corresponding to the pcmciadevice. It is in charge of listening for events from the slot (card insertion/removal) wlandriver : is the driver corresponding to the wlandevice. As the wlandevice is a refined device, depending on the existence of the pcmciadriver, it is included in this bundle

12 Behavior of DeviceManager

13 Behavior of DeviceManager


15 TODO Mount/unmount the wlan interface when the WlanDevice is registering/unregistering Configuration of the interface using parameters defined by the user Make the program completely independent from the operating system

16 Notre PFE

17 Environnement du projet Durée :12 semaines Tuteur : Stéphane Frenot Lieu : laboratoire CITI, INSA de Lyon Deuxième année du projet

18 Cahier des charges Reprendre le projet en létat et l avancer au maximum Il faut rendre le programme le plus autonome et fiable possible Fonctionnement par étapes : directives, réalisation, validation et à nouveau directives...

19 Nos réalisations techniques Prise en main du projet : Étude de lexistant Réalisation de schémas de fonctionnement Plan de tests / débugage Réalisation des procédures de stop

20 Nos réalisations techniques Gestion du matériel PCMCIA dans Oscar : Étude du package pcmcia_cs (Card Manager) Analyse des fonctions clés Implémentation de ces fonctions Intégration avec lexistant Tests et validation

21 Délivrables un package contenant les sources et la documentation Création dun site web en anglais concernant le projet : guide dinstallation, de compilation, documentation technique, téléchargement, bibliographie Rapports de notre PFE

22 Retour dexpérience administration des systèmes UNIX : compilation du noyau, fichiers virtuels, gestion des devices, signaux programmation : Oscar / bundles, JNI, Programmation système UNIX en C des devices et des drivers humain : gestion dun projet de développement : site web, cahier de bord...

23 Rapport Services & Usages Réflexion sur les usages de notre PFE : l immixtion des réseaux informatiques dans nos vies Que sont les "objets communicants" ? Que nous apportent ils? (intelligence ambiante) Quels sont les dangers liés à leur utilisation?

24 Questions ?