Départ                                                                       arrivée.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Départ                                                                       arrivée  

What is the infinitive of the verb “to have” in French? Avoir (1pt) Give 4 -ER verbs in the infinitive Aller, regarder, visiter, écouter….. (2pts) Recite the verb “être” in the present. (3pts) Je suis/ Tu es Il est / Nous sommes Vous êtes / Ils sont What is the infinitive of the verb “to be” in French? être (1pt) In the passé composé, when do you use être instead of avoir? Mrs Vandetramp and reflexive verbs (3pts) Passé composé: Translate: She visited. Elle a visité (2pts) What is the infinitive of the verb “to do” in French? faire (1pt) Recite the verb “aller” in the present. (3pts) Je vais/ Tu vas Il va / Nous allons Vous allez / Ils vont Passé composé: Translate: I went Je suis allé (2pts) What is the infinitive of the verb “to go” in French? aller (1pt) Recite the verb “faire” in the present. (3pts) Je fais/ Tu fais Il fait / Nous faisons Vous faites / Ils font Passé composé: Translate: They watched (fem) Elles ont regardé (2pts) What are the 3 infinitive endings in French? ER, IR, RE (2pts) Recite the verb “avoir” in the present. (3pts) J’ai/ Tu as Il a / Nous avons Vous avez / Ils ont Passé composé: Translate: We ate Nous avons mangé (2pts)

What is the name of the “inside-out” building in Paris? Centre Pompidou (2pts) What famous US landmark was designed by the engineer of the Eiffel tower? The Statue of Liberty(2pts) What holiday is “pâques”? Easter (1pt) What is the capital city of France? Paris (1pt) What is the name of the French island in the Mediterranean sea? Corsica/ la Corse (3pts) Name 2 overseas French departments. Reunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana (2pt) Name 2 mountain chains in France Alpes, Pyrénées, Massif Central, Juras (2pt) What are “crêpes” ? Thin pancakes (1pt) In which part of Canada is French the main language? Quebec (2pts) Name 2 French rivers. La Loire, la Seine, la Garonne, le Rhône(3pts) What replaces stockings at Christmas time in France? Shoes under the tree (2pts) Where can you find “gargoyles” in Paris? On the Notre-Dame cathedral (2pts) Name 3 major French towns (apart from Paris) Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille…(2pts) Who wrote the hunchback of Notre- Dame? Victor Hugo (2pts) Name 4 countries that share borders with France. Spain, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Switzerland (4pt)

What is the name of the French national anthem? La Marseillaise (4pts) Which sea is south of France? La Méditerranée (The Mediterranean) (2pts) In French, when asking a question, what intonation should your voice have? Your voice goes up in pitch at the end of the sentence (4pts) What is the “gare du Nord”? A train station in Paris (2pts) What is the 14 th July? France’s national day, Bastille day (3pts) What type of words are: gentil, triste, sympa and amusant? They’re adjectives (2pts) What would you buy from a “boulangerie”? Bread and pastries (2pts) What is “Le Monde”? A French newspaper (2pts) What type of words are: et, mais, aussi and par contre? They’re connectives (2pts) The ferry leaving from Dover arrives in which French town? Calais (2pts) What is the name of the French dish cooked with tomatoes, peppers, aubergine and courgettes? Ratatouille (2pts) How do you say “last week”? They’re adjectives (2pts) Which river runs through Paris? La Seine (2pts) What are the question words for who, where and when? Qui, où, quand (3pts) What type of words are: gentil, triste, sympa and amusant? They’re adjectives (2pts)

Translate: I watch TV Je regarde la télé. (1pt) Which is the odd one out and why? 1-une jupe 2-un pantalon 3-une écharpe 4-un ballon  (not clothing) (1pt) What is it in French? The yellow car La voiture jaune (1pt) Translate: I love French J’adore le français (1pt) Which is the odd one out and why? 1-un serveur 2-une vendeuse 3-une infirmière 4-une banlieue  (not a job) (1pt) Can you find 2 words for “funny” in French? Amusant, drôle, marrant, comique, rigolo (2pts) Translate: He goes to school. Il va au collège (1pt) What is it in French? To buy Acheter (1pt) What is it in French? I have a big blue room. J’ai une grande chambre bleue (2pts) Which is the odd one out and why? 1-La natation 2-La punition  3-La musculation 4-L’équitation (not a sport) (1pt) What is it in French? To sleep Dormir (1pt) What is it in French? DT La technologie (or l’EMT) (1pt) Which is the odd one out and why? 1-de l’eau 2-du chocolat  3-du jus de pomme 4-du lait (not a drink) (1pt) What is it in French? To sell vendre (1pt) What is it in French? A computer Un ordinateur (1pt)

Oh non! Tu as oublié tes devoirs! Le prof est en colère et tu as une retenue de 1 heures! Saute un tour! Oh non! Tu as oublié tes devoirs! Le prof est en colère et tu as une retenue de 1 heures! Saute un tour! Oh non! Tu as oublié tes devoirs! Le prof est en colère et tu as une retenue de 1 heures! Recule de deux cases Ah zut! Tu rates le bus et arrive en retard à l’école. Recule de trois cases Pas de chance, tu n’as pas révisé et tu échoues ton test. Saute un tour. Bon travail! Le prof est content de tes devoirs. Avance de deux cases. Tu as vu un élève tricher en classe. Tu le dis au professeur et il est puni. Choisi qui passe son tour. Bon travail! Le prof est content de tes devoirs. Tu peux rejouer, choisi une couleur. Bon travail! Le prof est content de tes devoirs. Avance de deux cases. Tu as un super résultat à ton test de vocabulaire. Génial! Avance de trois cases! Pioche une carte jaune Pioche une carte bleue Pioche une carte de la couleur de ton choix. Pioche une carte verte Pioche une carte violette

Near future: Translate: I’m going to listen Je vais écouter (2pts) What tense is used in that sentence: “je suis parti hier”? passé composé (2pts) What kind of verbs are: se réveiller, s’appeller, se lever, s’habiller? Refexive verbs. (3pts) Near future: Translate: She’s going to drink Elle va boire (2pts) What tense is used in that sentence: “Je déteste manger les brocolis”? Présent (2pts) Near future: Translate: You are going to sleep (plural) Vous allez dormir (2pts) What tense is used in that sentence: “je voudrais devenir professeur”? Conditionel (2pts) Near future: Translate: He’s going to buy Il va acheter (2pts) What tense is used in that sentence: “nous allons voir Sophie” Future proche (2pts) What tense is used in that sentence: “il est arrivé à deux heures.” ? passé composé (2pts) What tense is used to describe things that used to happen before, a habit in the past? The “imparfait” (3pts)

Spell this: Intéressant (2pts) Spell this: quatorze (2pts) Spell this: malheureusement (3pts) Spell this: Je m’appelle (2pts) Spell this: cinquante (2pts) Spell this: quelquefois (2pts) Spell this: beaucoup (2pts) Spell this: Je déteste (2pts) Spell this: Le collège (2pts) Spell this: ennuyeux (2pts) Spell this: normalement (2pts) Spell this: Parce que (2pts) Spell this: anniversaire (2pts) Spell this: maison (2pts) Spell this: Qu’est-ce que (2pts)

What is “brie”? A type of cheese (1pt) When was the French revolution? 1789 (3 pts) Where can you find La Joconde (the Mona Lisa)? In the museum of the Louvre in Paris. (2pts) Which French emperor lost the battle of Waterloo to the Duke of Wellington in 1815? Napoleon (4pts)