Une introduction au système éducatif anglais
Des faits : Primaire Secondaire 8.3 millions d’élèves 25,300 d’école % d’élèves éligibles à la cantine gratuite 16.9% 14% % minorités ethniques 19.3% 15.9% % don’t l’anglais n’est pas la langue maternelle 11.6% 9% Moyenne d’élèves par classe 26.2 21.7
Phases Etablissements Age Pre-School Nurseries ( crèche) moins de 5 ans Primary Schools ( école primaire) 5-11 Secondary Schools ( collège) 11-16 or 11-18 (19) Sixth Form Colleges ( lycée) 16-18 (19) Further Education Colleges ( universités) Over 16 Special Schools ( école spéciale) 3-18
Phases et tests Etablissements Key Stage(s) Principaux examens Ecole primaire Foundation Stage 1 2 National Tests (11) Collège 3 4 GCSE (16) Lycée 5 AS A2 GCSE – General Certificate of Secondary Education AS – first year of Advanced Level course A2 – second/final year of Advanced Level
Programme du “ Foundation Stage” Pour tous les enfants entre la naissance et 5 ans , il y a 6 aires d’apprentissage : Communication, langage & Literature Connaitre et comprendre le monde Développement physique Développement créatif Développement personnel social et émotionnel Résolution de problèmes , raisonnement et numération 5
Le programme Matières principales Anglais Mathematiques Science
Le programme Art Geographie Histoire Musique Design et Technologie Information et Communications Technologie Education physique Education religieuse Education relationnelle et sexuelle Education à la carrière Citoyenneté Careers Education and Citizenship is not statutory until secondary school
Curriculum 3: Key Stage 4 élèves de 14 à 16 ans Matières obligatoires (ex : Mathematiques Matières facultatives( ex : langues étrangères , langage ‘Options’ – exemples: Etudes du Business Etude des médias Danse Théâtre Entitlement Subjects: these are subjects that must be available to students even if they themselves elect not to take them.
Le paysage des écoles anglaises Un des systèmes les lus décentré au monde Se base sur les normes et le bien-être Remodélisation de la force de travai Collaboration et compétition Importance du leadership The English school landscape is unusual in that it focuses on standards for pupils but also on wellbeing. There are rigorous strands of accountability. Every school is inspected under the OfSTED framework (Office for Standards in Education) and is required to produce a detailed report evaluating its own performance (SEF). Over the last ten years there have been substantial changes in terms of the workforce as schools have looked at “wrap around” care (8am – 6pm) as well as extended services from other disciplines (health and social services). This is also in the context of “workforce remodelling” – a reform which aimed to reduce teachers working hours and administrative burden and refocus them on their core role of teaching. Schools are expected to both collaborate (applying for joint funding, transfer procedures etc) whilst also being in competition with each other for pupils. This is as a result of school league tables which publish schools results in order to allow parents to make better informed choices about schooling. School leadership is given a high priority in the UK because of research showing that school leadership is second only to the quality of teaching in terms of successful school performance. However the UK is also suffering its largest ever recruitment crisis meaning that schools are having to look at creative options to fill headteacher vacancies (eg federations)
Les éléments clés Departement de l’ Education Ecole et corps gouvernants Authorités locales The structure of the school system in England and Wales is fairly complicated and involves three main players – the department for Children, Schools and Families, local authorities and the schools with their governing bodies. The Government holds local authorities accountable for standards in schools Local Authorities are responsible for quality of education locally and services for children and families. As such, they are legally responsible for the actions of schools in their areas and for enabling schools, social care and health services to work together in the interests of individual children. They are also responsible for ensuring children receive an education appropriate to their needs, managing the admission of children to schools Local authorities distribute government funding to schools and decide on the proportion of the budget different schools receive. The role of local authorities may change following the 2010 election. The government is encouraging more schools to apply for academy status which will take them out of local authority control. The role of the school is set out in the next few slides.
Différents types d’écoles Community Schools financées par les autorités locales Academies financées directement par le gouvernement Free Schools proposeés par le gouvernement en réponse à des demandes de parents Private schools financées par des des organisations privées lien: www.dfe.gov.uk 11
Liberté et contrôle Un directeur et des leaders séniors ont la liberté de choisir l’esprit et la pratique dans leur école… Mais aussi: Responsabilité totale concernant la qualité de l’expérience éducative.
Liberté et contrôle les écoles sont responsables de : Apprentissage et enseignement management du personnel Des locaux et du terrain y compris la cours de récréation
liberté et contrôle Un directeur doit rendre des comptes à un Governing Body qui est constitué de représentants de parents,de la communauté locale et des autorités locales. Il y a des normes pour les directeurs Les nouveaux directeurs doivent être accrédités par le National Professional Qualification for Headship
Chaque enfant compte Être sauf Être en bonne santé S’amuser et construire Apporter une contribution positive à son pays ( citoyenneté ) Bien-être économique The government has recently identified five key outcomes for all young people. These are listed above. The government recognizes that the outcomes can only be achieved by education, health and social services all working together. This is the Every Child Matters programme.
Chaque pays du Royaume Uni a son propre département d’Education Ecosse www.scotland.gov.uk/topics/education Pays de Gales www.wales.gov.uk/topics/educationandskills Irlande du nord www.deni.gov.uk 16