Ideas to encourage more student talk time Talk Talk, TALK!


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La prononciation française
J S R D U H E F J S P E A A M F J N D L M P I F C _________________
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Welcome to French Live Lessons!
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Odd one out Cherche l’intrus J’aime jouer au tennis J’aime faire de l’escalade J’aime jouer du piano J’adore jouer du violon J’adore jouer de la flûte.
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Verb  a word that show action or a state of being.  Examples: run, jump, play, talk, listen  In English, we just the verb “to be” to describe how people.
© 2015 AQA. Created by Teachit for AQA Irregular verbs: aller and faire Context: home, town, and region.
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SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
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Transcription de la présentation:

Ideas to encourage more student talk time Talk Talk, TALK!

1)To develop their understanding of the topic, and their own original ideas 2)To rehearse ideas and commit information to memory

STEP 1: Write STEP 2: Mix STEP 3: Quiz STEP 4: Quiz STEP 5: Trade STEP 6: Repeat!

STEP 1: Number students STEP 2: Present problem STEP 3: Students privately write their answers on mini-WB using their own notes. NO DISCUSSION STEP 4: Students stand up and “put their heads together” ; they show and discuss answers. STEP 5: Students sit down when everyone is agreed on the answer. STEP 6: Teacher calls a number. Students with that number answer simultaneously (e.g. Using a mini whiteboard)

STEP 1: Provide list of questions / problems STEP 2: Partner A solves first question STEP 3: Partner B watches and listens, checks, coaches if necessary, and praises. STEP 4: Role reversal. STEP 5: Repeat

Dans ma ville il y a il y aussi et beaucoup de Je suis allé mais je vais avec mes copains. ma ville parce que c’est 1)un stade 2) une bibliothèque 3) une poste 1)une gare 2) un tabac 3) des magasins 1)cafés 2) parcs 3) banques 1) au marché 2) à la piscine 3) à la fête foraine 1) J‘aime 2) J‘adore 3) Je n‘aime pas 1) au centre commercial 2)à la patinoire 3) au bowling 1)super 2)nul 3)bien

1 = 2 = 3 =? 4 = 5 = 6 = Different verb to conjugate Different key word to define Examples of different levels (1-6) Different verb to conjugate Different key word to define Examples of different levels (1-6)

Language…is how we think. It‘s how we process information and remember. It's our operating system. Fisher, Frey & Rothenberg 2008