Les pronoms démonstratifs


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Français I Mme Larson-Horne
Soyez à la mode! 7 7 UNITÉ Quit Les vieilles robes de Mamie 28 LEÇON B Le pronom démonstratif celui p. 401 A Le pronom interrogatif lequel p. 400.
lequel: J’aime ces deux paires de chaussures.
This, that and the other A few little words that cause problems!
Les pronoms démonstratifs II This one is going to be very useful with those lequel questions and other areas of description.
Les sujets I am certain that you will learn a lot today, and that we will understand the subject pronouns en français.
Chapitre 2. Laccorde des noms, adjectifs, et verbes As you have already learned, in French, articles must agree with the nouns that they modify both in.
Presenting the wonderful world of Pronouns.
6. 6 Les pronoms relatifs qui et que 1. A relative pronoun introduces a clause that modifies a noun. The relative pronoun qui functions as the subject.
1. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN “QUI”. The relative pronoun qui is a subject pronoun. It may refer to people or things, and corresponds to the English pronouns.
Structure: le pronom en
La formation et l’usage
ASTRID BREUER Le passé compose avec le verbe être.
Les Pronoms Objet: indirect et direct Rachel Mojdehbakhsh AP French - 2.
In French… The relative pronouns in French are ce qui and ce que. They both mean WHAT. - Ce qui stands for the subject of the clause it introduces. - Ce.
4 Le Pronom Y Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisions 4.1 Les questions essentielles: -How does the pronoun “Y” translate into English? -What does the.
Sujet Objet Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs
Etre et Aller Une revue. Les normes: Communication 1.2 – Understanding the language Communication 1.2 – Understanding the language Comparisons 4.1 – Understanding.
Les pronoms démonstratifs FSF 3U. Les pronoms démonstratifs Les pronoms démonstratifs (this one, that one, the one[s], these, those) réfèrent à une personne.
French 1: être and adjectives 10/20/2014. lundi Le mot du jour: l’accord (agreement) L’objectif: Falcons will demonstrate an understanding.
Unité – Profil personnel Tu es comment?. Les adjectifs Adjectives are used to describe somebody or something. Il est grand Il est petit.
“Which one” are you talking about?.  Ce, cet, cette, ces  Un article qui est le plus spécifique Les types d’articles…  Un/ une/ des – général  Le/
Les pronoms relatifs Relative pronouns join relative clauses to main clauses. Main clause: The book is boring. The book that you gave me is boring. Relative.
This, that and the other A few little words that cause problems!
French II Chapter 5 Review. Relative Pronouns: qui means “who” for people means “which” “that” for places and things replaces a noun or phrase which is.
S TRESS P RONOUNS. W HAT IS A PRONOUN ? Takes the place of a noun. Noun is a person, place or thing.
2 Le verbe « être » au pluriel Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the plural subject pronouns in French?
Les pronoms relatifs qui et que. Qu’est-ce que c’est? Relative pronouns are used to connect sentences to one another.
Les Pronoms Relatifs (The relative pronouns qui, que, où, dont, lequel)
Les pronoms sujets Singular subject pronouns. Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.2  Les questions essentielles:  What is a subject pronoun?
Year 12 Grammar Review. Les objectfs Apprendre l’usage des pronoms relatifs.
8 Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the 2 ways to ask the question.
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QUI et QUE (QU’). Un pronom relatif allows us to join deux phrases ensemble quand il y a a repetition of nouns in BOTH SENTENCES. Le commencement de.
The BASICS Building sentences in French. Les Pronoms What is the subject of the sentences below? Paul is tall. What pronoun could you use to replace.
8 Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the 2 ways to ask the question.
Agreement of the Past Participle. Le Passé Composé  The passé composé is used to express an action completed in the past.  The passé composé of most.
Les Pronoms Compléments d’objets directs C.O.D. Les pronoms C.O.D Les pronoms C.O.D sont: Le (masculin singulier) La (féminin singulier) L’ (devant un.
Le monde des. Pierre va au cinéma. Ses amis sont là aussi. Sa mère reste à la maison. These words are nouns or proper nouns that are also s ss subjects.
Pronom Complement D’objet Direct Le, la, l’ et les.
Pronom En et Y. Y Y is an indirect object pronoun that precedes the verb. It usually replaces an inanimate object (thing or idea) The object replaced.
Les pronoms relatifs Relative pronouns join relative (subordinate) clauses to main (independent) clauses. Main clause: The book is boring. The book that.
It’s.  Both C’est and Il est/Elle est can mean it’s.  There are specific times to use each.
Unité 5 - Blanc La grammaire d’Unité 5. Y o Y can be used to replace an à phrase or place: - a preposition of place: à, en, chez, dans… Je vais au restaurant.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.2B.1-1 Point de départ In Leçon 2A, you learned to form the present tense and command forms of reflexive verbs.
Descendre Revenir Monter Retourner Sortir Venir Aller Naître (né) Devenir Entrer Rentrer Tomber Rester Arriver Mourir (mort) Partir Passer (to pass/stop.
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Les pronoms démonstratifs
Les Pronoms Relatifs Qui et Que
Bienvenue Au monde des Pronoms.
The interrogative adjective quel
Point de départ In D’accord! Level 1, you learned how possessive adjectives function in French. You will now learn about possessive pronouns and how.
Bienvenue Au monde des Pronoms.
Les adjectifs au pluriel
Point de départ In D’accord! Level 1, you learned how to use demonstrative adjectives. Demonstrative pronouns refer to a person or thing that has already.
Transcription de la présentation:

Les pronoms démonstratifs Dossier 3

Les pronoms démonstratifs A demonstrative pronoun replaces a demonstrative adjective a noun. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it replaces. masculin féminin Singulier celui the one celle Pluriel ceux the ones celles - Tu connais cet homme? – Celui qui est assis près de la porte? (celui = cet homme)

In a sentence, it can be the subject or object of the verb and be followed by que, qui, de, or another prepositional phrase. Cette dame est celle qui habitait à côté. That woman is the one who used to live next door. - A qui est ce téléphone ? – C’est celui de Juliette ? - Whose phone is it ? – Is it Juliette’s ?