Le subjonctif FREN230
What’s the deal with the subjunctive? The subjunctive is very common in all Romance languages and is not considered a particularly formal or informal tense. It is used less frequently in French than in Spanish, largely because the French use the conditionnel so frequently. French speakers use the subjunctive with many phrases expressing opinion, doubts, wishes, states of mind (je suis heureux, j’ai peur que…) or ordering someone else to do something. We don’t really use the subjunctive as much in English – it is used to express things that are imagined or wished – “If I were you”, “I recommend he face his fears”, “you should be aware” English speakers avoid this tense in French and French people notice.
When do I use the subjonctif? The subjonctif expresses the personal feelings of the speaker, such as doubt, emotion, opinion, and volition. It often occurs in a dependent clause beginning with “que”. The subjunctive generally goes with expressions in the affirmative. (Not negated. There are very specific cases for that. If it’s negated, it doesn’t take the subjunctive.) There must be a change of subject. If you are expressing your own thoughts and opinions, there is no room for scrutiny. Only you really know what you feel, right?
What the heck is a dependent clause? Main clause = Le professeur veut (set ‘em up) Dependent clause = que je finisse mon devoir. (knock ‘em down) *When we talk about the verb in the subjunctive, we’re talking about the verb that appears in the dependent clause, AFTER “que”.
When do I use the subjonctif?: La volonté The subjonctif is used with verbs of volition: aimer, désirer, exiger (to demand), préférer, souhaiter, vouloir IMPORTANT: You must have a change of subject between clauses (after the “que”). In French, “que” is required! In English, it may or may not be used. Mon père ne veut pas que je regarde la télévision. Il veut que je fasse mes devoirs. Je voudrais que mes parents puissent me comprendre.
When do I use the subjonctif? Espérer (to hope) is an exception. It DOES NOT take the subjunctive IN THE AFFIRMATIVE. Instead, you can use the conditionnel. J’espére qu’ils me donneront plus de liberté l’année prochaine.
When do I use the subjonctif?: L’émotion, l’opinion, le doute As with verbs of volition, verbs and clauses expressing emotion also require the use of the subjunctive. For example: – Content(e) -Je suis contente que vous puissiez venir. – Triste-Elle est triste que nous n’ayons pas de chat – Désolé(e)-Je suis désolée que vous soyez malade. – Fâché – Furieux(se) – Étonné(e) – Surpris(e) – Ravi(e) – Déçu(e) – Regretter que – Avoir peur que/craindre que
When do I use the subjonctif? In French, general statements that indicate points of view are up for considered uncertain and subject to scrutiny. This is a good rule of thumb for all subjunctive statements (Ultimately, if it’s a feeling or a possibility of a feeling, it takes the subjunctive.) General statements would be one that starts with “Il” or “Ce” – Il vaut mieux que.. – Il est bon/Il est triste/Il est étonnant que… – C’est dommage que/Ce n’est pas la peine que… – Il est important que…
When do I use the subjonctif? Penser, croire and espérer use the subjunctive in the negative or when asking a question. Why? Because if you don’t think it or believe, there is still room for doubt. Pensez-vous que la télé soit une drogue? Je ne pense pas que vous ayez le temps.
When do I use the subjonctif? To express doubt, uncertainty, or possibility, the following verbs and impersonal expressions may be used: – Douter que – Ne pas être sûr(e)/certain(e) que – Il est douteux / impossible / peu probable que – Il se peut que – Il est possible que – Il semble que
When do I use the subjonctif?: La nécessité et l’obligation Expressions for requesting or persuading someone to do something: – Demander que – Insister pour que – Empêcher que – Il faut (absolument) que – Il est nécessaire que – Il est essentiel que – Il suffit que Expressions of obligation: – Il est nécessaire – Il faut que
How do I avoid doing this? Use the infinitive instead of “que”. – Moi, je veux partir bien en avance. – Mon mari préfère ne pas partir trop tard. With impersonal expressions, use “être”+adjective+de: – Il est bon de se détendre – Je suis content de ne pas avoir grand-chose à faire.
How do I form the subjonctif? Well, hang on. First, do you remember how to form the imparfait? 1)Start with the present “nous” form 2)Knock off the “-ons” ending 3)Add the imparfait ending commencons commencait
How do I form the subjonctif? To form the present subjunctive of all verbs (except avoir and être) is formed by: 1)Find the third person plural form of the present tense (ils/elles) 2)Knock off the “-ent” 3)Add the subjunctive ending
How do I form the subjonctif? Je-e Tu-es Il/Elle/On-e Nous-ions Vous-iez Ils/Elles-ent
How do I form the subjonctif? Jefinisse Tufinisses Il/Elle/O n finisse Nousfinission s Vousfinissiez Ils/Ellesfinissent Finir Finissons Finissons
How do I form the subjonctif? Some verbs have two subjunctive stems – one for the nous and vous forms and another for the remaining forms. To form the nous and vous forms, drop the “-ons” ending from the first person plural of the present tense. Verbs with two subjunctive stems: – Appeler (j’appelle, nous appelions) – Croire (je croie, nous croyions) – Devoir(je doive, nous devions) – Envoyer(j’envoie, nous envoyions) – Mourir(je meure, nous mourions) – Prendre(je prenne, nous prenions) – Recevoir(je reçoive, nous recevions) – Venir(je vienne, nous venions) – Voir(je voie, nous voyions)
How do I form the subjonctif? Some verbs have irregular stems but regular subjunctive endings: AllerFairePouvoirSavoirValoirVouloir JeAilleFassePuisseSacheVailleVeuille TuAillesFassesPuissesSachesVaillesVeuilles Il/Elle/O n AilleFassePuisseSacheVailleVeuille NousAllionsFassionsPuissionsSachionsValionsVoulions VousAlliezFassiezPuissiezSachiezValiezVouliez Ils/EllesAillentFassentPuissentSachentVaillentVeuillent
How do I form the subjonctif? Avoir and être have totally different forms of the subjunctive and just have to be memorized. AvoirÊtre JeAieSois TuAiesSois Il/Elle/OnAitSoit NousAyonsSoyons VousAyezSoyez Ils/EllesAientSoient
Le passé du subjonctif It looks just like the passé composé, but you conjugate “avoir” or “être” and form the past participle as usual. Que j’aie regardé Que je sois parti(e) Que je me sois réveillé(e) Elle est contente que j’aie vendu la voiture.