Rule 1 Use more complex connectives Pendant que j’étais là = while I was there Comme je suis tombé = because I fell Ce que je trouve fascinant = what.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Rule 1 Use more complex connectives Pendant que j’étais là = while I was there Comme je suis tombé = because I fell Ce que je trouve fascinant = what I find fascinating Au moment où j’allais partir = just as I was going to leave Lorsque je suis allé = when I went Ceci dit/cependant/d’une part…d’autre part Try some for yourself! End

Rule 2 Use a variety of pronouns Tu fais souvent du vélo ? J’EN fais deux fois par jour – I do some (of it) twice a day Tu vas souvent au stade? J’Y vais deux fois par semaine – I go there twice a week Tu habites à Enfield depuis longtemps ? J’Y habite depuis un an – I have been living there for a year Avec LUI = with him Pour EUX = For them Chez ELLE = at her house Now add a sentence like this! End

Rule 3 Use at least one comparative structure and one superlative structure (also use p162 in your textbook) Mon père est PLUS amusant QUE ma mère – more ….then Chingford est MOINS pollué QUE le centre de Londres – less …. Than Mon frère est AUSSI sympa QUE ma sœur.- as…. as La personne LA PLUS gentilLE est … - the kindEST Le pays que j’aime LE MOINS … - the country I like the least Now add a sentence like this! End

Rule 4 Includes two examples of subjunctive Il faut que j’aille + noun or infinitive = I have to go Il faut que je fasse = I have to do Pour que je puisse = So that I can Bien que ce soit = Although it is Autant que je sache= as far as I know (This is looking towards the A*!!!)

Rule 5 Include two SI sentences using the imperfect and the conditional (also use p167 in your textbook) Si j’avais de l’argent= if I had some money Si j’étais riche = if I were rich Si je pouvais = If I could J’irais = I would go Je visiterais = I would live J’achèterais = I would buy WOULD = infinitive + imperfect endings Give me an example sentence like this?

Rule 6 Use idioms to sound more authentic 1 – donner un coup de fil à … - to give … a call 2 – donner un coup de main à …- to give a hand to … 3 – avoir le cafard – to feel low 4 – avoir le trac – to have butterflies in the stomach 5 – avoir la tête dans les nuages – to daydream 6 – j’en ai par-dessus la tête de / j’en marre de – to be fed up with 7 – je n’en crois pas mes yeux / je n’en reviens pas – I can’t believe it 8 – je n’en revenais pas – I could not believe it 9 – être branché(e) – to be fashionable 10 – se débrouiller – to manage 11 – Il fallait le visitER – it had to be done 12 – Cela en vaut la peine – it is worth it

Rule 7 Use 1 or 2 exclamations! 13 – Quel désastre !/ Quelle catastrophe !! = …………………………………………………. 14 – Quel voyage agréable = …………………………………………………. 15 – Quel cauchemar = …………………………………………………. 16 – Quelle (FEM) bonne journée! = …………………………………………………. 17 – Comme c’était horrible! = …………………………………………………. What a disaster! What a catastrophe! What a pleasant trip! What a nightmare! What a good day! It was so horrible!

Rule 8 Use a variety of opinion structures 18 – I think that = …………………………………………………. 19 – I believe that = …………………………………………………. 20 – I found that = …………………………………………………. 21 – it seems to me that = …………………………………………………. Je pense que Je crois que Je trouve que Il me semble que

Rule 9 Use a variety of justifications 22 – because it is my dream = …………………………………………………. 23 – since it will be fascinating = …………………………………………………. 24 – as it is my favourite country ( PAYS) = …………………………………………………. …parce que c’est mon rêve …puisque ca sera fascinant …comme c’est mon pays préféré

Rule 10 Rule 10 – “ avant de “ + infinitive = before doing something Before eatING = avant de manger 25 – before leaving = …………………………………………………. 26 – before doing my homework = …………………………………………………. avant de partir avant de faire mes devoirs

Rule 11 Complex structure = after doing something After visiting = après avoir visité 27 – after buying = …………………………………………………. 28 – after doing = …………………………………………………. 29 – after arriving = après être ……………………………………. après avoir acheté après avoir fait après être arrivé

Rule 12 En + present participle = on/ while doing something On/while arriving = en arrivANT 30 – while going = …………………………………………………. 31 – while playing = …………………………………………………. 32 – while singing = …………………………………………………. En allant En jouant En chantant

Rule 13 Rule 13 – “ je viens de “ + infinitive = I have just I have just spend = Je viens de passer 33 – I have just reserved = …………………………………………………. 34 – I have just bought = …………………………………………………. 35 – I have just called = …………………………………………………. 36 – I have just receipted = …………………………………………………. Je viens de réserver Je viens d’ acheter Je viens de appeler Je viens (juste) de recevoir

Rule 14 Rule 14 – in order to 37 – in order to = pour + infinitive in order to = afin de + infinitive Now add a sentence like this! End

Rule 15 Use negative structures 38 - Je n’ai ______ pers___________ = I saw nobody 39 – Je n’ai ________ achet____ = I didn’t buy anything 40 – Je ___________ vais j_____________ = I never go 41 – I never read = ……..…………………. 42 – I visited nothing = …………………………………………… vuonne rien é neamais Je n’ai jamais lu Je n’ai rien visité

Rule 16 Rule 16 – use sentences with OU ( where), QUAND ( when ), QUI and QUE ( who, that) 43 – The park that is near my house = 44 – The bag that I bought = 45 – the sport that I prefer is = 46 – the town where I stayed = 47 – When the weather is nice = Dans le parc qui est près de ma maison. Le sac que j’ai acheté Le sport que je préfère est La ville ou j’ai resté Quand il fait beau