What is it Mademoiselle? This is another way of conjugating verbs in the future! (Remember learning Futur proche? Aller + infinitive)
When do you use it? When you are talking about something that happens in the future! Ex.: Je mangerai un biscuit. – I will eat a cookie. (Unimportant Side Note: Mademoiselle still likes les biscuits even in the future)
What’s the rule to conjugate? 1. For –er and –ir verbs, we do not drop the endings. For –re verbs we just drop the e. 2. We then add: Je → +ai Tu → +as Il/elle/on → +a Nous → +ons Vous → +ez Ils/Elles → +ont
Irregulars… The verbs avoir and être are also irregular in the future. BUT, the endings of F.S are the same. The base is what is “irregular”. Avoir = aur- (aurai, auras, aura, etc.) Être = ser- (serai, seras, sera, etc.)
Example… Je chanterai la chanson demain. Elle vendra sa bicyclette. Nous finirons nos devoirs samedi.
Pour des bonbons…. Conjuguez les verbes: 1. Marie-Christine _______________ (parler) avec le prof. 2. Laurent et moi _______________ (partir) demain à Toronto. 3. Ils ______________ (prendre) l’autobus au supermarché.
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