Gwenaelle Bonnet Strategic Account Manager EMEA, Thingworx Gwenaelle


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Transcription de la présentation:

Gwenaelle Bonnet Strategic Account Manager EMEA, Thingworx Gwenaelle Gwenaelle Bonnet Strategic Account Manager EMEA, Thingworx Mob : +33609760606 PTC - Siège social : Immeuble Emeraude Bât. A – 1 rue du Petit Clamart – CS 10503 – 78941 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex – France Transformer l’Industrie Manufacturière Produits connectés, intelligents et Usines connectées avec l’Internet des Objets

S’inscrire ici • 08h30 – 09h00 : Accueil • 09h00 – 10h30 : Session Générale – Introduction à l’IoT et à ThingWorx – Ecosystème des partenaires – Cloud service – Licences • 10h30 – 11h00 : Pause • 11h00 – 12h30 : Mise en application de ThingWorx – Exemple d’application de « Fleet management » – Création d’une application Avant votre venue, inscrivez sur la Developer Zone ici pour avoir un premier aperçu de la plateforme ThingWorx et utilisez votre smartphone comme objet connecté.

L’Internet des Objets (IoT) Now that we have a sense of the size of the opportunity for manufacturers, we can turn to better understand the Internet of things and its components. These days, everyone seems to have their own definition of the Internet of Things, but fundamentally, the IoT is comprised of the three core components: - A collection of smart, connected products and other Things connected through an Internet-like communication infrastructure to a computing infrastructure that are creating new forms of value. And when we look at these elements and this equation – what’s new? – it’s the smart, connected things. There is a wide variety of new things being connected, in different ways, and as we mentioned previously, Exploding at a tremendous rate – 50b by 2020, 1T by 2035 So how do you unlock this value? CLICK It comes from applications that bring together people, systems, and connected things, and integrates data with businesses processes. (Data from the product – operational data, condition/health data - are delivered in real-time, enabling capabilities to control and service the product, and improve system performance.) This conversation includes not only data coming from the machines themselves, but information locked up in other equally important resources that manufacturers depend on to run their businesses. They may be their manufacturing systems, ERP, CRM or even cloud based value added modern applications where they are leveraging services of third parties. This explosion of devices, where the value is unlocked when those smart things can actively participate and influence business processes – driven through applications - MASSIVE SCALE THIS IS GOINGTO FORCE US TO RETHINK HOW WE BUILD APPLICATIONS This complexity grows exponentially when you look at the projected growth of the number of connected devices that will be talking by the year 2020. With 50B devices, it is estimated that will create a need for 5 million new connected applications that take advantage of this new ecosystem. And by the year 2035, without a new programming paradigm, it will simply be an impossible task for even the most ambitious. McKinsey estimates this market to be exponentially larger than the cloud computing opportunity that we are just now reaping the benefits of. Between 900B and 2.3Trillion dollars in cost savings alone. Add to that the possibility of risk aversion or monetizing new products or services. Les applications assemblent les personnes, les processus et les objets pour créer des nouvelles formes de valeur

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 L’IoT apporte des réponses simples aux industriels dans 2 domaines distincts Ingénieur Produit Logistique Dir. des Opérations Dir. Général USINE 1 USINE 2 Dir. Usine Dir. de Production Centre de Support Produit Responsable Maintenance Usines connectés Conduire une excellence opérationnelle pour atteindre l’efficacité et les réductions de coûts promis par l’IoT Visibilité opérationnelle unifiée Gestion de la Performance Industrielle Intelligence opérationnelle Maintenance basée sur les conditions réels Amélioration en continue Six Sigma/Lean Produits Intelligents, Connectés Transformer comment vous créez, produisez et maintenez vos produits Gestion des Alertes et suivi opérationnel Maintenance et réparation à distance Automatiser la création de ticket au support Optimiser fortement les interventions terrains Référentiel de Performance Facturation à l’usage Alimentation de consommable Maintenance Prédictive What does this mean for manufacturers? For manufacturers, the ThingWorx platform fits in 2 main areas: Smart Connected Products Using connectivity and an underlying platform to build solutions that transform how you create, operate, and service your products. Solutions like … Operational monitoring Remote Service Management Automated service ticket creation Usage based billing And … 2) Connected Operations Driving operational excellence to capture the business efficiency and cost reduction promised by IoT: Operational visibility Operational intelligence Continuous improvement Techniciens Terrain Commerciaux Terrain Produits Intelligents et connectés

La combinaison gagnante PTC et ThingWorx pour l’IoT Meilleure Technologie La Plateforme IoT la plus complète Solution complète Suite d’Applications préconstruite Eprouvé +200 clients IoT, 20+ Millions d’objets déjà connectés Leader du Marché IOT Award People’s Choice Winners: Technical Enabler: Best Platform and Tools — ThingWorx Must Follow Company  — ThingWorx Acquisition of the Year — Axeda/ThingWorx CEO of the Year — Jim Heppelmann Partner and Ecosystem Builder  — PTC    People’s Choice Runner Up: IoT Event of the Year — LiveWorx   Editor’s Choice Award: PTC has built the largest software offering in the IoT/M2M Space - PTC has acquired the 2 leading companies in the IoT Application Platform/App space…creating an offering and customer base that is an order of magnitude larger than any other choice (there is a huge step down to numbers 3 +) With ThingWorx + Axeda, we offer the only complete, end to end IoT Technology stack in the market - The strengths of the respective offerings are largely complimentary so that with the combination of ThingWorx + Axeda we are now the only complete, end to end IoT Technology stack in the market (comm, cloud, App Enablement, Apps, ecosystem) PTC has the most complete and modern offering in the market and . Have the financial backing of a $1.5B software company. We should be first on your list to evaluate to meet your IoT/M2M needs Over the past 25 years PTC has helped more than 28,000 manufacturers transform the way the create, operate and service products. PTC uses its IoT platform to develop commercial connected applications while making the same platform available to customers to create company specific applications or further enhance the PTC commercial solutions Most complete An M2M solution consists of many parts and layers…Axeda provides all the key application pieces… Proven Challenges with moving large amounts of data, keeping it secure, building an app that is manageable Cloud-based Is on-premise a strategic advantage or core competency Is IT support a distraction from the primary mission -> focus on value added services Is security better or worse -> Security is complicated, demanding… requires experts Force unie de 2 leaders Années d’avance sur la concurrence, pionniers de l'IoT, Plus grand nombre d'experts de l'IoT ITechnical Enabler: Best Platform and Tools — ThingWorx Must Follow Company  — ThingWorx Acquisition of the Year — Axeda/ThingWorx CEO of the Year — Jim Heppelmann Partner and Ecosystem Builder  — PTC    - «Enabling Technology of the Year» «App Development / Enablement Platform of the Year » «Enabling Company of the Year»  IOT Award People’s Choice Winners

ThingWorx : Solution Internet des Objets (IoT) Développer et déployer vos idées et applicatifs Internet des Objets 10x plus vite Solution IoT Créer Applications Web et Valeur Métier Outils et plateforme pour simplifier le développement d’application Web. Tirer partie des données des Objets, des Personnes et des Systèmes. Gérer Information-Produit dans le Cloud Système de gestion des objets et des données collectant automatiquement les informations des produits et senseurs de façon sécurisée (Hébergement au choix) Connecter Logiciel de Connectivité IoT Agent de communication intelligent pour connecter et interagir entre le produit et le cloud (Support de tous les types de communications)

Les couches métiers de l’IoT PTC Applications CAD PLM SLM IoT Apps Client & Partenaire construisent les applications métiers souhaitées et innovantes PTC Integrity Agent intelligent via ThingWorx Edge MicroServer Gestion des objets et Connectivité Outils de développement d’applications et d’exécutables Applications métier Complètement intégrées dans l’Enterprise Senseurs, objets & équipement Eléments de Communications Applications Connecter Middleware de connectivité IoT Gérer Nuage d’Objets Construire Création d’Application IoT Plateforme IoT Plate-forme Internet Réseau Mobile Nuage d’objets Le réseau When we look at the elements of a complete IoT solutions….you see Sensors, Devices and equipment at the bottom here, -connecting thru various methods, thru different device clouds, hybrid networks and environments.. - you have provisioning platforms and device clouds providing base-level device management functionality. If real business value is your goal, delivered thru applications, it requires integrating those smart things, across hybrid networks, to the business applications and 3rd party services in order to create complete, vertically integrated applications. Traditionally, this process required long development cycles, complex programming, lots of code writing against APIs, high cost/risk, rigid deployment resulting in brittle solutions, very high risk and a barrier to innovation .

Unir le monde connecté grâce à ThingWorx Device Connectivity Platforms Cloud Services Big Data Analytics IoT Data Services Device Clouds ThingWorx unites these as an integration platform Everyone has a cloud – When looking at ThingWorx from a complete, connected Ecosystem, its also important to understand from a “connectedness” standpoint how ThingWorx can be used to not just devices and sensors (obviously critical), but connected to all the information systems, and operational assets a business might need to enable this new class of applications that we talk about.   As I mentioned before, we believe that the true value in the Internet of Things isn’t from the connected “Things” themselves, but from the interactions and interconnections between those smart, connected “Things” and the rest of the connected world – human participants, systems, external services. And that has really been core to the platform from Day 1 – making it easy to create value from these intersections. Unique aspect of ThingWorx … attraction … very cool technology that lives at the “edge”, but our approach from a platform standpoint is that there are numerous ways to connect, we embrace diversity.. apps ,systems, etc. True nature of a platform is that it can be integrated and extended. So … Industrial systems Business Applications Device Connectivity Platforms Data and Cloud Services Analytics Device Clouds (device mgmt and provisioning) Social Services And of course, People are still critical in the process. And that’s really one of the reasons why we the term “M2M” doesn't do justice to what a connected application really is. Business Applications Social Services Human Interface Industrial Systems Sensors, Devices, Gateways, Equipment, Mobile Assets

Expertise dans de multiple marchés Electronique & High-Tech Industriel Equipement Commercial Sciences de la Vie Appareil Médical PTC’s customers include some of the most recognized brands across industries

Le monde connecté grâce à ThingWorx Produits connectés Usines connectés Senseurs/ Objets Connectés “Smart” Applications Usines connectés Spécialité métaux Gestion des céréales Maintenance à distance pour des analyseurs médicaux This slide depicts some of the companies where you can find us in among connected sensors and devices, connected products and connected operations. You can find us in areas such as smart farming, high precision metal manufacturing, companies with highly engineered assets like joy Mining, fleet logistics, Smart infrastructure like water, power, sewage, and also remote servicing such as medical devices and heavy equipment. One of the key points is that thingworx is extremely horizontal. Analyse opérationnel d’équipement connecté