mercredi le dix-sept mars Aim: To prepare our folio piece
La semaine derniere Your next folio piece will be about what you did last week. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE TRUE! Use P53/54 to help you
What to include: Structure it like a pen-pal letter Remember to ask questions Describe what you did last week Where you went, what you did, who with etc. Remember to give your opinion: – C’était= it was Mention what you will do next week/next weekend
Some questions: Ça va? Qu’est-ce que tu as fait le week-end dernier/la semaine dernière? Que fais-tu la semaine prochaine? Dear = cher(m)/chère(f) Love from= gros bisous
Immediate future To say what you are going to do use part of aller+ infinitive. Aller-to go Je vais – I am going… Tu vas – you are going… Il va/elle va Nous allons Vous allez Ils vont/elles vont
EG Je vais faire du shopping Je vais aller au cinéma Je vais rendre visite à ma grand-mère Nous allons faire de la natation Nous allons regarder un film Nous allons acheter des chaussures