ADJECTIVES. IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  You already know that most feminine adjectives are formed by adding an e to masculine adjectives.  MasculineFeminine.


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Transcription de la présentation:


IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  You already know that most feminine adjectives are formed by adding an e to masculine adjectives.  MasculineFeminine  grisgris e  bleubleu e

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  You already know that if a masculine adjective ends in –e, the feminine adjective is identical.  MasculineFeminine  rougerouge  mochemoche

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  Some irregular adjectives never change form, even in the plural.  MasculineFeminine  orangeorange  marronmarron  supersuper  sympasympa  bon marchébon marché

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  Some feminine adjectives are formed by doubling the final consonant of a masculine adjective and adding an e.  MasculineFeminine  bonbon ne  quelquel le  violetviolet te  italienitalien ne

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  To form a feminine adjective from a masculine adjective that ends in –er, change the ending to – ère.  MasculineFeminine  cherch ère  premierpremi ère

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  Some other masculine adjectives also have irregular feminine forms.  MasculineFeminine  blanc blanche  frais fraîche  long longue

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  The adjectives nouveau and vieux, like the adjective beau, have irregular feminine forms as well as irregular forms before a masculine noun beginning with a vowel sound.  Masculine SingularMasculine Singular Feminine  before a Consonantbefore a Vowel Singular  SoundSound  un beau magasinun bel homme une belle affiche  un nouveau pantalonun nouvel ami une nouvelle robe  un vieux magasinun vieil anorak une vieille photo

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  The irregular masculine plural forms of these adjectives are beaux, nouveaux, and vieux.  les beaux vêtements  les nouveaux élèves  les vieux pulls


 In French, adjectives usually follow the nouns they describe.  Donnez-moi une boisson chaude.  Je voudrais un café noir.  Mario est un serveur italien.

BAGS  Some frequently used adjectives precede the nouns they describe. These adjectives often express b eauty, a ge, g oodness, and s ize. (You can remember these categories easily by associating them with the word “bags.”) Here are some of the adjectives:  BEAUTY AGE GOODNESS SIZE  beau nouveau bon grand  joli vieux mauvais petit

BAGS  Ma petite soeur va faire les magasins.  My little sister is going to go shopping.  Elle cherche un nouveau jean.  She’s looking for new jeans.  Elle trouve un beau pull rose.  She finds a beautiful pink sweater.  Quelles bonnes soldes!  What good sales!