Leçon 2C: Les photos d’Isabelle


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Transcription de la présentation:

Leçon 2C: Les photos d’Isabelle La famille: refers not only to parents and children but also to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, as well as a whole array of more distant relatives related by blood and marriage.

Note cuturelle Les animaux domestiques = pets Cats & dogs are especially important to French people Cat names = Minou, Pompon, Fifi Dog names = Titus, Milou, Azor

Pour communiquer How to introduce your family: Voici mon père. This is my father. Et voici ma mère. And this is my mother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFk9YmJv-jc&feature=youtu.be

La famille (Family) et les animaux domestiques (Pets) le frère brother la soeur sister le cousin cousin la cousine cousin le père father la mère mother l’ oncle uncle la tante aunt le grand-père grandfather la grand-mère grandmother le chat cat le chien dog

La famille Mallet François Mallet est le père de Frédéric. Martine Mallet est _____ de Frédéric. Albert Mallet est _____ de Frédéric. Suzanne Mallet est _____ de Frédéric. Frédéric est _____ de Véronique Mallet. Véronique Mallet est _____ de Frédéric. Maurice Vidal est _____ de Frédéric. Isabelle Vidal est _____ de Frédéric. Éric Vidal est _____ de Frédéric. Catherine Vidal est _____ de Frédéric. Médor est _____de la famille Mallet. Fifi est _____ de la famille Mallet.

The French equivalents of my and your have the following forms: MASCULINE FEMININE mon cousin (my cousin) ma cousine mon frère (my brother) ma soeur ton cousin (your cousin) ta cousine ton frère (your brother) ta soeur *Note that the feminine ma becomes mon and the feminine ta becomes ton before a vowel: une amie mon amie ton amie

L’album de photos You are showing a friend your photo album. Identify the following people, using mon and ma, as appropriate. Modèle: cousine Jacqueline = Voici ma cousine Jacqueline. frère 9. copine Pauline soeur 10. amie Florence tante Monique 11. grand-mère Michèle oncle Pierre 12. grand-père Robert père 13. chien Toto mère 14. chat Minou copain Nicolas 15. cousine Émilie ami Jérôme 16. cousin Marc

Comment s’appelle…? Ask your partner to name some of his / her friends, relatives, and pets. He / she can invent names. Modèle: Comment s’appelle ton copain? -Il s’appelle Stromae. oncle 6. ami tante 7. grand-père cousin 8. grand-mère cousine 9. chien copine 10. chat

La famille Simpson

Comment s’appelle… Le père de Bart? La mère de Lisa? Le frère de Maggie? La soeur de Lisa? Le cousin de Ling? L’oncle de Bart? Le grand-père de Maggie? La cousine de Bart? La tante de Lisa? La grand-mère de Bart, Lisa et Maggie?

Les voyelles nasales The letters “an” and “en” usually represent a nasal sound. Be sure not to pronounce an “n” after the nasal sound. Répétez: ans, tante, français, quarante, trente, comment, Henri Laurent The letters “on” represent a nasal sound as well. Be sure not to pronounce an “n” after this nasal sound. Répétez: non, bonjour, oncle, garçon Contrastez: an-on, tante-ton, onze-ans, Mon oncle François a trente ans.

Pour communiquer How to find out how old a friend is: Quel âge as (ah)-tu? (How old are you?) -J’ai quinze ans. (I am 15 years old). How to ask how old others are: Quel âge a ton père? (How old is your father?) -Il a quarante-deux ans. (He is 42 years old). Quel âge a ta mère? (How old is your mother?) -Elle a trente-neuf ans. (She is 39 years old). *Although years old may be left out in English, the word ans must be used in French to express age. Il a vingt ans. (He’s 20 years old).

Quel âge as-tu? Ask your partners how old they are. Modèle: Quel âge as-tu? -J’ai (seize) ans.

Joyeux Anniversaire Ask your partner how old the following people are. Modèle: Quel âge a (ah) Stéphanie? -Elle a (ah) quatorze ans. Éric (18) Mademoiselle Doucette (25) Monsieur Boucher (32) Madame Dupont (64) Monsieur Camus (75) Madame Simon (83)

Quel âge a…?

Quel âge a…? Jasmine Pocahontas Cendrillon Mulan Tiana Ariel Raiponce

Quel âge a…?

Tu as la parole Describe a male friend by giving… -his name -his nationality -his age

Tu as la parole Describe a female friend by giving… -her name -her nationality -her age

Conversations You are the new secretary for the French Club. You need some information from each member of the club. Ask you partner… -what his / her name is -how old he / she is -the name of his / her sister -how old the sister is

Votre famille Choose three relatives. Write (in French) their relationship to you, their first name, and their age. With your partner, take turns asking and answering questions about each relative (If you’re not sure of the person’s age, guess!) Parenté (relationship): mon père Prénom: Tony Age: 76 ans

Votre famille A: Qui est-ce? B: C’est mon père. A: Comment s’appelle ton père? B: Il s’appelle Tony. A: Et quel âge a ton père? B: Il a soixante-seize ans.

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