DT/EM2 Section meeting 11/10/2001 10/11/10Section meeting EM2.


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Transcription de la présentation:

DT/EM2 Section meeting 11/10/ /11/10Section meeting EM2

Content News Questionnaire AOB 10/11/10Section meeting EM2

NEWS 10/11/10Section meeting EM2

NEWS cont Medium Term Plan ( ) approved by Council in September 10/11/10Section meeting EM2

News cont. 10/11/10Section meeting EM2

News cont. Mar Capeans will replace Ferdi Hahn as section leader of DT-DI. Effective from 1 Oct Ferdi remains Deputy GL. 10/11/10Section meeting EM2

AOB Investment budget There is still some money…. 10/11/10Section meeting EM2

Sondage de groupe DT But: d’identifier les secteurs ou des corrections et des ameliorations sont necessaire Prepare par: Antti, Christian, Ferdi et Mar Si vous avez des question,s n’hesitez pas a contacter une de ces personnes. Veuillez SVP faire parvenir le formulaire complete a Veroniqe le Vendredi 22 Octobre au plutard 10/11/10Section meeting EM2