The future tense 1- Use 2- Formation 3- Time indicators.


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Talking about what you are going to do in the future tense! 
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ever for This presentation requires PowerPoint XP or later.
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© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.3B.2-1 Point de départ The conditional expresses what you would do or what would happen under certain circumstances.
The conditional is used to describe what people WOULD DO, what WOULD HAPPEN if a certain condition were to be met. It is translated by would in English.
T HE C ONDITIONAL T ENSE. The French conditional mood is very similar to the English conditional mood. It describes events that are not guaranteed to.
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The future tense. Expressions you will need to talk about the future 1.Demain 2.Le week-end prochain 3.Samedi prochain 4.L’ été prochain 5.La semaine.
= WOULD. This tense is used when speaking or writing in the future, saying you WOULD do something… (Then usually followed by a Si Clause) 1.I WOULD go.
Courrier électronique ( s) Some features of s: Boîte de messagerie - Inbox Nouveau message -- New message Dossiers - Folders Suprimer - Delete.
Le Futur proche FSF4U.
Transcription de la présentation:

The future tense 1- Use 2- Formation 3- Time indicators

1- Use The future tense is used to describe something that is going to happen or will / shall happen later on. The future tense is used to describe something that is going to happen or will / shall happen later on. As in English, there are three main ways of describing the future action. As in English, there are three main ways of describing the future action.

2-1- The immediate future (in English “going to” + verb) The French structure is “aller” verb in the present tense + an infinitive (that is to say a verb ending in “ER”, “IR” or “RE”). Je vaisjouer Tu vasjouer Il, Elle, On vafaire Nous allonsfaire Vous allezfinir Ils, Elles vontfinir (…)

Examples une glace faire du shopping manger Tu vas Elle va jouer au foot Je vais

2-2- The future tense (In English, will/shall + verb) The French structure is the infinitive form of the verb + the specific future endings. The French structure is the infinitive form of the verb + the specific future endings. Don’t forget to remove the “e” of “RE” verbs before you do so! Don’t forget to remove the “e” of “RE” verbs before you do so! Jejouerai Jejouerai Tu joueras Tu joueras Il, Elle, Onchoisira Il, Elle, Onchoisira Nouschoisirons Nouschoisirons Vousboireez Vousboireez Ils, Elles boireont Ils, Elles boireont

2-4- Irregular verbs Here is the list of verbs that alter their stem in the future tense. Once it is altered, it stays the same at all persons. Êtreser + endings Avoiraur + endings Allerir + endings Fairefer + endings Pouvoirpourr + endings Savoirsaur + endings Vouloirvoudr + endings Venirviendr + endings

2-3- The present (!) You may express a future idea with a present tense. Examples: Ce week-end, je reste à la maison. L’année prochaine, je pars en Italie.

3- Time indicators Demain(tomorrow) Après(later) Ce soir(tonight) Cet après-midi(this afternoon) Ensuite(after) Plus tard(later on) Pendant les vacances (during the holidays) Le week-end prochain(Next week-end) L’année prochaine(Next year)

Mme Irma Comment sera votre futur?