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Introduction: Essential reading / listening exam hints and tips Introduction: Essential reading / listening exam hints and tips.

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1 Introduction: Essential reading / listening exam hints and tips Introduction: Essential reading / listening exam hints and tips

2 Underline question words e.g. WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, HOW MANY… Underline the mark allocations (1), (2), (3) Anticipate what words will come up and write them into the blank spaces on the paper. It’s your paper. * the option which looks most likely if you have to guess

3 And use the example When given a choice of words to put into gaps, cross out the ones you use as you go Use clues the texts give away – what gender of noun? What’s the subject/ending on the verb? Are there any clues of tense?

4 When you hear the words, write the KEY words on the exam paper, e.g. soixante-cinq

5 Don’t panic if there are a lot of words you don’t understand, especially on the harder questions at the end Pick out key words you do know Watch out for negatives : pas – not rien – nothing jamais – never personne – nobody/no one

6 Whatever happens, don’t leave any gaps !!! It is much better to guess, even with the longer written answers as you won’t get marked down for an incorrect answer. Millie – went from a D to a C just by filling in the gaps with guesses.

7 In the text you have to listen to or read there will be words which you will be expected to know. They will not be the same words which crop up in the questions on the paper, but they will be linked in some way, either they will be synonyms or they will be related in meaning.

8 Mini-task Categorise these words into 8 groups of synonyms Communication L’école Parler Pas facile Difficile Faire du cheval Bavarder surfer l’internet Informatique Le lycée Compliqué Nager Faire de l’équitation Le collège Hôtel Monter à cheval Camping Logement Faire du VTT La natation chambre Le cyclisme Faire du vélo Les ordinateurs La piscine Maillot de bain Camping

9 Mini-task Categorise these words into 8 groups of synonyms Faire du cheval Faire de l’équitation Monter à cheval Le collège Le lycée L’école Le cyclisme Faire du vélo Faire du VTT difficile Compliqué Pas facile La natation Nager La piscine Maillot de bain Les ordinateurs surfer l’internet Informatique Parler Communication Bavarder Logement Hôtel Chambre Camping

10 Revision: School and Education Revision: School and Education In groups of two or three – try and write down as many school subjects as you can in a minute

11 Il faut / Il ne faut pas….. 1.porter un uniforme scolaire 2.acheter ses cahiers et ses livres 3.arriver à l’heure 4.sortir du collège sans autorisation 5.courir dans le couloir 6.aller au collège le samedi matin maquiller 8.écrire des graffiti sur les murs 9.porter des bijoux 10.aller au collège le mercredi 11.écouter les professeurs 12.manger en classe 13.mâcher de chewing-gum 14.respecter les autres 15.porter une blouse et des lunettes dans les laboratoires 16.utiliser son portable pendant les cours

12 Mon nouveau collège est plus petit que mon premier collège mais ç a c’est bien. Avant, je devais me lever à six heures trente car je prenais le car à sept heures mais maintenant, je peux rester au lit jusqu’à sept heures trente. Je rentre à la maison pour manger, je n’aime pas la nourriture à la cantine. J’ai plus de devoirs mais ils ne sont pas trop difficiles et j’apprends beaucoup. L’année dernière, je jouais pour une équipe de foot et je nageais mais maintenant, je n’ai pas le temps de faire du sport. On fait beaucoup de voyages. Dans deux semaines, on ira en Espagne, on est déjà allés en Angleterre et à Paris.

13 1.His school is: a)Very bigb) quite smallc) too small 2. He gets up at: a)6 :30b) 7 :00c) 7 :30 3. He eats his lunch: a)At his houseb) a his friend’s housec) in the canteen 4. He thinks homework is: a)usefulb) boringc) difficult 5. At the moment he: a)Does a lot of sportb) is part of a teamc) doesn’t do any sport 6. He’s going to go to : a) Englandb) Spainc) Paris

14 Revision: Health and Family Revision: Health and Family In groups of two or three – try and write down as many members of the family in a minute.

15 C’est bon pour la santé parce que les tomates et les champignons contiennent des vitamines qui donnent de l’énergie. Je pense que c’est mauvais pour la santé parce que c’est gras et ily a trop de lipides donc ça fait grossir. A mon avis les crêpes au chocolat sont mauvaises pour la santé parce que c’est trop sucré et ça donne des caries Même s’il y a du fromage je trouve que ce plat est équilibré car il y a des protéines avec le bacon, des vitamines avec la salade et du calcium avec le fromage. Calcium bongrasgrossirmauvais mauvaiseséquilibrésucrévitaminesl’énergie lipides

16 Activity Two Unscramble these adjectives and translate into English psmay_____________ mealc_____________ hmanéct_____________ detimi_____________ tmasanu_____________ iotdi_____________ ler ô d_____________ lipo______________ sympa calme méchant timide amusant idiot dr ôle poli

17 What words phrases would you listen out for if a – g were the answers?

18 Revision: Town and Hobbies Revision: Town and Hobbies In groups of two or three – try and write down as many places in town as you can in a minute.

19 1. Match the French to the English: 1. les infosa. police series 2. les dessins animésb. romantic films 3. les séries policièresc. documentaries 4. les histoires d’amourd. soaps 5. les documentairese. news 6. les feuilletonsf. game shows 7. les jeux télévisésg. weather forecast 8. la météo h. sports programmes 9. les émissions de télé-réalitéi. cartoons 10. les émissions de sportj. tv reality shows

20 n’y a pas de pollution 2.Il n’y a pas grande chose à faire n’y a pas trop de monde n’est pas facile d’aller en ville y a des arbres 6.on s’ennuie 7.on se sent isolé y a des fleurs y a de l’air frais vie est calme n’y a pas trop de circulation Avantage ou désavantage d’habiter à la campagne?


22 Exam Revision Quiz 24 questions [25 points ]

23 Where would you go to: a) Un marché b) Une gare c) Un jardin public d) Une station-service e) Un arrêt de bus 1.catch a train? 2.catch a bus? 3.fill up the car with fuel? 4.go for a walk? some fruit? 1 = …; 2 = …; 3 = …; 4 = …; 5 = …

24 How are they travelling? 6. En vélo = 7. En voiture = 8. En car = 9. A pied =

25 2 meanings… 10. ‘Boîte’ can mean ‘nightclub’ but it can also mean……………….. 11. ‘Carte’ can mean ‘menu’ but it can also mean………………... 12. ‘Magasin’ means ‘shop’ but ‘magazine’ means………………..

26 Which of these is a … 13. ‘jeu d’équipe’: GOLF / RUGBY / NATATION ? 14. JOB: VENDEUR / INFORMATIQUE / MAGASIN 15. an adjective: ECOLE / SCOLAIRE / TRAVAIL

27 What can you do? 16. On peut entendre des chansons de Noël et on peut visiter la patinoire. [2 marks]

28 What can’t you do? 17. On ne peut pas visiter le marché le matin.

29 What is the problem? 18. J’ai faim! 19. Il fait trop froid!

30 What do they sell? 20. On vend du fromage. 21. On vend des produits étrangers.

31 What are they doing? 22. Il se met au lit. 23. J’ai commencé à rire! 24. Le repas est super!

32 Answers coming up! Give yourself a score out of 25!

33 Where would you go to: a) Un marché b) Une gare c) Un jardin public d) Une station-service e) Un arrêt de bus 1.catch a train? 2.catch a bus? 3.fill up the car with fuel? 4.go for a walk? some fruit? 1 = b; 2 = e; 3 = d; 4 = c; 5 = a

34 How are they travelling? 6. En vélo = 7. En voiture = 8. En car = 9. A pied = 6. By bike 7. By car 8. By coach 9. On foot / walking

35 2 meanings… 10. ‘Boîte’ can mean ‘nightclub’ but it can also mean BOX 11. ‘Carte’ can mean ‘menu’ but it can also mean CARD 12. ‘Magasin’ means ‘shop’ but ‘magazine’ means MAGAZINE!

36 Which of these is a … 13. ‘jeu d’équipe’: GOLF / RUGBY / NATATION ? 14. JOB: VENDEUR / INFORMATIQUE / MAGASIN 15. an adjective: ECOLE / SCOLAIRE / TRAVAIL

37 16 – you can hear Christmas carols/songs and you can visit the ice rink [2 marks] 17 – you can’t visit the market in the morning

38 What is the problem? 18. J’ai faim! I’m hungry! 19. Il fait trop froid! It’s too cold!

39 What do they sell? 20. On vend du fromage. = CHEESE. 21. On vend des produits étrangers. = FOREIGN PRODUCTS/GOODS.

40 What are they doing? 22. Il se met au lit. = going to bed 23. J’ai commencé à rire! = laughing 24. Le repas est super! = eating

41 How well did you do? Keep revising from your vocabulary sheet! You could write out word lists of your own.

42 Plenary: How to revise for the listening exam Plenary: How to revise for the listening exam

43 Use past papers! Use past papers and specimen papers from your own but also other exam boards. Google WJEC, AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR. Find their papers on their websites and print them off. Do them, and find the mark scheme online and mark them. Or get Mum/Dad to mark them. Or a friend. Repeat the exams again a few days later so see if you improve

44 Buy a Revision Guide! Buy a Revision Guide from W.H. Smiths. Get one with a CD with recordings, transcripts and answers. Or buy one 2 nd -hand from eBay or Amazon. Search for ‘GCSE French Revision Guides’

45 Buy a vocabulary book! Buy a vocabulary book. On eBay or Amazon enter ‘French GCSE Vocabulary Book’. Prices start as cheap as £1 for good 2 nd hand ones = £4.50

46 Use the transcript Some exam boards provide the transcripts to go with its papers. Have a look around on their websites. Ashcombe School or the BBC provides the transcripts for its activities and these are free.

47 Learn new words 5 per topic area per week – go up a grade 10 per topic area per week – go up 2 grades

48 LEARN your vocab RACAWAC Read & Cover & Write & Check! Post-it notes around the house. Change them regularly. Ask others in the house to get involved. You must learn and forget and learn and forget a word 7 times before it goes in!

49 The Top 40 Vocab Areas Days/months Numbers, esp time Abstract rooms at home Room contents Materials Housework tasks School subjects School equipment Meat, veg, fruit, fish! Cutlery & crockery Snacks, drinks Animals and pets Weather Jobs Transport Countries / Nationalities 20 adjectives for a grade C. Add 10 for each further grade up. Restaurant, café Sports Body parts Family members Clothes Free time Types of films / tv Environment Things on the street Abstract places in town Shops In the country Colours Directions 30 verbs for a grade C. Add 10 for each further grade up.

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