Complete avec les mots puis traduis en Anglais: J’aime pas mal de film. Quand j’étais jeune, j’aimais beaucoup les____________________, parce que j’ _______________.

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Présentation au sujet: "Complete avec les mots puis traduis en Anglais: J’aime pas mal de film. Quand j’étais jeune, j’aimais beaucoup les____________________, parce que j’ _______________."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Complete avec les mots puis traduis en Anglais: J’aime pas mal de film. Quand j’étais jeune, j’aimais beaucoup les____________________, parce que j’ _______________ le ________________‘Walt Disney’. Maintenant, je préfère les films_______________. Mon film préféré s’appelle « L’activité paranormale » qui s’agit d’une fille qui s’appelle ______________qui est possédée par un ________________. Ca me fait peur ! r é alisateurKatie d ’ horreurdessins-anim é s d é monadorais dessins-anim é s adorais réalisateur d’horreur Katie démon C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

2 C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms, PDO? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? (learn 2 key structures)

3 Bonne idée! D’accord! Tu plaisantes?! Chouette!!!Boff…. Je n’ai pas envie Je veux bien! Ça m’est égal Ca ne me dit rien  Comment ca se prononce?  C’est quoi en anglais? Good idea Great I like that! Chic alors! (cool) Ok! (ok ké) fff! Don’t care/ not fussed You joking! Don’t want to! Does not appeal! C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

4 What is a preceding direct object? Why do we use preceeding direct objects? C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?


6 “DOP” 1. Je déteste le film d’aventure “Indiana Jones”. Je déteste. 2. Je regarde une comedie les lundis. Je regarde à huit heures. 3. Je regarde les films d’horreur. Je regarde souvant. 4. J’aime la télévision Je ’aime beaucoup. (I hate it) (I watch it at 8pm.) (I watch them often.) (I like it a lot.) le la les l’

7 yy usually means “there”. yUse y to avoid repeating the same place : 1.Tu vas à Paris ? yOui, j’ y vais demain. 2. Comment vas-tu au cinéma? yJ’y vais à pied Yes, I’m going there tomorrow. I go there on foot.

8 Examples de “DOP” 1. Je vais au cinéma I go there = 2. On va au cinéma. We go there = 3. Je vais au cinéma souvent. I go there often = 4. Je vais au cinéma chaque semaine. I go there every week = J’ y vais On y va J’ y vais souvent J’ y vais vais chaque semaine

9 La chaise d’ honneur C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

10 Tu aimes les films d’horreur? Je aime parce que j’aime les films qui me font peur. C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? les

11 Tu aimes les films d’amours? Je adore parce que j’aime les films passionnants. C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? les

12 Pourquoi tu préfères les films d’amours? Je préfère parce que j’aime les films de l’amour. C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? les

13 Pourquoi tu préfère les comédies? Je préfère parce que je préfère les films qui me font rire. C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? les

14 Pourquoi tu aimes les histoires d’amour? Je adore parce que j’adore les films qui me font rêver … C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? les

15 La chaise d’ honneur C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

16 Pourquoi les gens aiment aller au ciné? Discussions suivies de suggestion des groupes…. C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

17 The subjunctive * Il faut que… * Afin que… C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

18 * Il faut que je puisse profiter des effects sonores (pouvoir) We must be able to benefit from the sound effects * Il faut qu’on fasse un effort (faire) We must make an effort to …. * Afin qu’ on soit plus a l’aise (etre) in order for us to be… ** Afin qu’ on ait l’avantage du grand écran (avoir) in order for us take full advanatge C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

19 Hi, my name is Virginie. I love going to the cinema/movie theater. I try to go there every weekend with my friends. I prefer action movies and love stories. I think that some movies are better at the movie theater than on DVD. It is a matter of atmosphere! C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

20 Salut, je m'appelle Virginie. J'adore aller au cinéma. J'essaie d'y aller tous les week- ends avec mes amis. Je préfère les films d'action et les histoires d'amour. Je pense que certains films sont beaucoup mieux au cinéma qu'en DVD. C'est une question d'atmosphère! C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? WWW: EBI:

21 J'adore aller au cinéma. J'essaie d'y aller tous les week-ends avec mes amis. Je préfère les films d'action et les histoires d'amour. Je pense que certains films sont beaucoup mieux au cinéma qu'en DVD. C'est une question d'atmosphère! How can this description be improved? C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? 5 minutes to come up with suggestions

22 J'adore *intensify aller au cinéma. J'essaie d'y aller tous les week-ends avec mes amis cependant *£. *mais Je préfère les films d'action et les histoires d'amour *reason. Je pense que certains films sont beaucoup mieux au cinéma qu'en DVD. C'est une question d'atmosphère! C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive?

23 1.une/deux fois par semaine 2.souvent 3.rarement temps en temps 5.tous les week-ends a.rarely b.every weekend c.from time to time d.once/twice a week e.often

24 Ecrivez votre propre version suivant le model qu’on vient de faire en classe. Tu vas souvent au ciné? C1-B3 Can you construct a description about how often and why we go to the cinema. B2-B1 Can you explain and justify your reasons to include emotive language and idioms? A3+ Can you develop your description to include idioms and the subjunctive? J'essaie d'y aller … J'aime toutes sortes de films: C'est une question d'atmosphère! J'aime les films qui font réfléchir Je n'aime pas trop les films avec des effets spéciaux L'avantage d'habiter une grande ville… Ce qui est important pour moi, c'est le metteur en scène et l'histoire * Il faut que je puisse profiter des effects sonores / spécaux * Il faut qu’on fasse un effort (faire) * Afin qu’ on soit plus a l’aise (etre) * Afin qu’ on ait l’avantage du grand écran (avoir) - Immediate response… - How often you go and who with? - What sort of film you like to see on the big screen? Why? - When was the last time you went and what did you see? Opinion / develop reason / plan HL structures / IDIOMS / Subjunctive COIN.COM - Immediate response… - How often you go and who with? - What sort of film you like to see on the big screen? Why? - When was the last time you went and what did you see? Opinion / develop reason / plan HL structures / IDIOMS / Subjunctive COIN.COM

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