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Digital geospatial public domain ?
Workshop -Eurogeographics Bruxelles 7 May 2010 Armelle VERDIER MAILLOT Ph.D Candidate Law and Geomatic Sciences Université Montpellier I - FRANCE et Université Laval - QUEBEC
Digital geospatial public domain? Overview
Thesis context Legal issues Research scope and goals Partnership and plan Conclusion
Thesis context: interdisciplinarity
Department of Geomatics Sciences Faculté de Droit Source: Colin Rose Québec - CANADA Montpellier - FRANCE
Juridical Context European Directive on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention on public access to environmental information Directive on the reuse of public information Directive INSPIRE Canadian ICDG Geoconnexions Geobase and Geogratis...
Geospatial public data
Problematics Geospatial public data - Data available for the public from a private person or a private company... From the copyright : public data domain... - Data are not protected by the copyright Materials and organics criteria « Public autority » « Public institution or private institution with public mission ≠ Data created or made from public entities
Geospatial public data Geospatial public data
Problematics Creation Production Access Diffusion Re Use Two sided fact Geospatial public data Geospatial public data Materials and organics criteria « Public autority » « Public institution or private institution with public mission finality aspect public use Data created or made from public entities data-driven for the great majority
Geospatial public data Geospatial public data
Problematics Creation Production Access Diffusion Re-Use Two sided fact Geospatial public data Geospatial public data Data created or made from public entities Data-driven for the great majority Identification and selection process ? uses terms (uses requirements)
Goals to be followed by geospatial public data
To valorize the geospatial public data To support public policies To grant a legal strength : For example : MAPS in fields of planning, natural risks management.... Improve exchange between publics autorities.(juridical aspects). Improve access and broadcast to the citizen. Delicate balance CONSEQUENCES : Higher standards of quality will be require because of « extraordinary » situation
Research scope The actual legal framework doesn’t provide a proper response to the singular caracteristics of the geospatial public data. Is there a legal framework answering to the goals followed by the higher standards of quality requirements ?
Research scope Geospatial public data provide by public entities are subjected to potentially become/be a digital geospatial public domain. A specific legal framework could fit to the goals announced.
Research areas At this time, it is only accross intellectual properties law that we are able to work on digital public domain.
Partnership CANADA FRANCE Thesis in Geoide project IV Land surveyor
« geofoncier » portal project
de l’Ordre des Géomètres-Experts
Portail GEOFONCIER de l’Ordre des Géomètres-Experts AURIGE RFU 4 composantes du RGE PCI-Vecteur Données littérales Séries de données géographiques DIREN - BRGM Données Environnement Données environnementales SUP / PLU M.E.E.D.D.M. Ministère de tutelle Données socio-économiques Maîtrise d’œuvre: structure GE Intégration, assistance, développement, action commerciale… Portail GEOFONCIER GE utilisateurs BD Foncières + Services GE animateurs Accompagnement de proximité, Animateurs des partenaires, Action commerciale Collectivités Locales partenaires Grand Public Professionnels
Calendrier rétrospectif et prospectif : de 2009 à 2011
Conclusion Thanks for your attention, Questions ?
Borne : antiquité romaine notice : N2004-LA CNRS Couverture géographique : Languedoc-Roussillon > Aude (11) > Mailhac Thanks for your attention, Questions ? © © Gallia.
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