Welcome to the world of adjectives! To be an expert in French, you need to master the art of adjectives. These are words which are used to describe nouns.

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Présentation au sujet: "Welcome to the world of adjectives! To be an expert in French, you need to master the art of adjectives. These are words which are used to describe nouns."— Transcription de la présentation:


2 Welcome to the world of adjectives!

3 To be an expert in French, you need to master the art of adjectives. These are words which are used to describe nouns. Here’s a sentence I prepared earlier… Notice that the adjectives go BEFORE the noun…

4 The adjectives don’t always behave the same way. In fact, most of them go AFTER the noun. Here’s another example…

5 When you look up an adjective in the dictionary, you will always find it in it’s MASCULINE/SINGULAR form. It is to this that you will add the different endings, all of which will depend on the GENDER of the NOUN you are describing…

6 French adjectives can have different endings, depending on the GENDER of the noun they are describing.

7 Adjectives in French also change their ending depending on whether the noun is SINGULAR or PLURAL


9 Leave it alone SingularPlural Masculine or Feminine? MasculineFeminineMasculineFeminine Add -es Add –s to the end Add –e to the end Is the noun singular or plural? Masculine or Feminine?

10 Try this short exercise. Add an adjective from the box to each of the coloured nouns. Don’t forget to use the right ending! On a passé une journée dans le centre de Nîmes. Le matin, on s’est promené dans les rues. Puis on a visité le musée et la bibliothèque. Le soir on a mangé dans une cafétéria. J’ai mangé un hamburger avec des frites.

11 Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7


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