UNITÉ 9 : LEÇON 34 – PARTIE B : le verbe PRENDRE.

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1 UNITÉ 9 : LEÇON 34 – PARTIE B : le verbe PRENDRE

2 The verb prendre literally means ________________, but can also mean ________________. It is useful in talking about what people are taking to eat, how they are traveling, etc. Prendre is also useful because, like the verb venir, it forms the _________ of several other verbs. to take to have root

3 Although prendre ends in –re, it does not act like a regular –re verb. It is an IRREGULAR verb in the ________ forms. Prendre is conjugated as follows: InfinitifPRENDRE Présent jenous tuvous ilelles Participe Passé plural prend pren d d d ons nent ez pris s s

4 Like venir forms the root of other verbs like convenir, devenir and prévenir, prendre also forms the root of the following verbs: APPRENDRE APPRENDRE à + inf. APPRENDRE qch. à qn COM- PRENDRE to learn to learn to do something to understand to comprehend apprendre qch. par cœur le bonheur d’apprendre cela t’apprendra! to teach something to someone

5 Translate each of the following phrases into French: 1. I’ll take a pizza. 2. Will you (s) have a coffee? 3. She’s having salad. 4. We are taking the subway. 5. Do you (pl) understand when the teacher speaks French? 6. They (m) are learning French. 7. She is learning to play the guitar. 8. I understood everything! Je prends un café. Prends-tu un café? Elle prend une salade. Nous prenons le métro. Est-ce que vous comprenez quand le prof parle français? Ils apprennent le français. Elle apprend jouer de la guitare. J’ai compris tout!

6 Devoirs: page 361 Ex. 4 :Qu’est-ce qu’ils prennent ? Ex. 5 :Questions personnelles

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