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Publié parJonathan Bertrand Modifié depuis plus de 8 années
UNITÉ 9 : LEÇON 34 – PARTIE A : le verbe VOULOIR
The verb vouloir means ___________. It is useful in talking about what people want to do, where they want to go, what they want to eat, etc. to want
Vouloir is an irregular verb. It is conjugated as follows: Infinitif VOULOIR Présent jenous tuvous ilelles Passé Composé veux veut voulons voulez veulent voulu
Translate each of the following phrases into French: 1. I want to go to the café. _____________________________________ 2. You (s) want to eat lunch. _____________________________________ 3. She wants to eat dinner. _____________________________________ 4. We want an ice cream. _____________________________________ 5. You (pl) want some spaghetti. _____________________________________ 6. They (m) want some French fries. _____________________________________ 7. I wanted to eat at Maxime’s house. _____________________________________ Je veux aller au café. Tu veux manger le déjeuner. Elle veut manger le dîner. Nous voulons une glace. Vous voulez des spaghetti. Ils veulent des frites. J’ai voulu manger chez Maxime.
When making a request, French people often use the conditional form of vouloir because it is more polite. The conditional form of to want is would like. To say what you would like, use the following construction: Ex:I would like a coffee. _____________________________________ Yes, I would like to have dinner with you (s). _____________________________________ Je voudrais un café. Oui, je voudrais dîner avec toi.
When accepting an offer, the French often use the expression ______________________________. Ex:Do you want to have lunch with me? _____________________________________ Yes, I do. / Yes, I want to. _____________________________________ veux-tu… / voulez-vous… Veux-tu déjeuner avec moi? Oui, je veux.
Devoirs:page 360 Ex. 1 :Vive la différence! Ex. 2 :Oui ou non ? Ex.3 : Expression personnelle
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