Centre pour le Développement de l’Entreprise : Au service du secteur privé 22/03/2017.

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Présentation au sujet: "Centre pour le Développement de l’Entreprise : Au service du secteur privé 22/03/2017."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Centre pour le Développement de l’Entreprise : Au service du secteur privé

2 CDE – Centre pour le Développement de l’Entreprise
Institution du Groupe ACP et UE – Accord de Cotonou Appui au secteur privé ACP pour un développement durable Financé par le Fonds européen de développement (FED). The CDE : its visiting card The CDE, Centre for the Development of Enterprise, based in Brussels is an international institution of the European Union and of the ACP Group of States (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific), created within the framework of the Cotonou Agreement. The CDE is the continuation of the CDI which was created within the framework of the Lomé Convention. The CDE together with the CTA (of Wageningen), its agronomic counterpart, is the only joint ACP-EU Institution. Its objectives are to contribute to sustainable development providing the ACP private sector with the necessary help to promote development activities in the private sector and more precisely the development of private enterprise. The CDE gives support in 78 ACP countries. The ACP Group of States includes countries of the Sub-Saharan region, of the Caribbean and of the South Pacific. The African continent is sub-divided into 4 regions : West Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa and East Africa (including the countries of the Indian Ocean region). The CDE is mainly funded by the European Development Fund. 22/03/2017 CDE - l'institution

3 Bénéficiaires éligibles
Entreprises du secteur privé Entreprises en phase de création, d’extension, de diversification ou de restructuration dans les pays ACP Organisations intermédiaires du secteur privé Associations professionnelles, fédérations d’entreprises, centres techniques, organismes de promotion de l’investissement, etc. Prestataires de services Consultants et sociétés de conseil ACP 22/03/2017

4 Secteurs d’intervention
Le CDE intervient… Par le biais de programmes Les interventions du CDE sont menées de plus en plus dans le cadre de programmes sectoriels (2/3 du budget) En 2009 neuf programmes ont été sélectionnés : cinq touchent à des secteurs “réels”; quatre relèvent de secteurs transversaux Les actions sont planifiées à l’avance et les budgets déterminés de façon à répondre aux besoins communs des entreprises qui bénéficient du programme Via une assistance ad hoc En réponse aux requêtes individuelles De préférence dans les régions moins bien couvertes par les programmes sectoriels Secteurs d’intervention Tous les secteurs éligibles 22/03/2017

5 Projets ad hoc : Critères d’éligibilité
PME privée établie légalement dans un pays ACP Actifs nets d’au moins € et/ou un CA de € Actifs nets maximum : 10 m € Au moins 5 employés Si nouvelle entreprise : mêmes montants d’investissement, de CA, et d’emploi en perspective Engagement à contribuer au moins pour un tiers des dépenses éligibles à l’assistance Se conformer au code international de bonne conduite en ce qui concerne les conditions de travail et le respect de l’environnement Bilateral agencies, European institutions and beneficiaries contribute an additional € 22/03/2017

6 Montant des subventions
Maximum €/an par entreprise avec une limite des 2/3 du montant de l’assistance demandée Obligation d’une contribution de l’entreprise pour au moins 1/3 Le subside octroyé fait l’objet d’une analyse et passe par un comité d’approbation Pas de contribution aux investissements et aux dépenses courantes NOTE : le contractant peut être : le promoteur ACP, le partenaire UE ou un Consultant Subsidy Amounts Any assistance provided by CDE must remain in the framework of the development of enterprises with the aim of improving the structure of the enterprise (this means that the assistance is not to be used for regular investments or day to day expenditures). In any case, CDE’s maximum contribution is €/year per enterprise with a limit of 20 % of the value of sales of the beneficiary enterprise. The enterprise must contribute at least 1/3 of the eligible costs. The contractors : Interventions for the enterprises will be started up by ACP promoters, EU partners or by consultants. The consultants will be selected as follows : For a CDE contribution inferior or equal to €: by mutual agreement For a CDE contribution between € and €: a market consultation is required For amounts over €: a market consultation is required. Selection des consultants < 5.000€: gré à gré Entre € et € : consultation de marché 22/03/2017

7 Les programmes du CDE pour 2009
Objectif : Identifier et sélectionner les secteurs et les activités qui sont les plus porteurs pour le développement social et économique dans les pays ACP. Pourquoi l’approche programme : Meilleure connaissance des secteurs sélectionnés et des activités transversales Coût moyen réduit par intervention, donc plus de PMEs assistées Plus grande capacité de promouvoir les partenariats entre les entreprises Meilleure complémentarité et cohérence avec les priorités des autres acteurs de développement Réponse rapide et effective aux requêtes d’assistance Plus grande efficience par des assistances groupées Plus de visibilité pour les acteurs CDE sur le terrain 22/03/2017

8 Programmes sectoriels 2009
Gestion durable des forêts et transformation du bois Tourisme Developpement de l’aquaculture ICT – Technologies de l’information et de la communication Valorisation des céréales et légumineuses 22/03/2017 22/03/2017 8

9 Programmes sectoriels 2009
Programmes transversaux Financement de l’investissement Maintenance des infrastructures Amélioration de la compétitivité Gestion optimale de l’énergie 22/03/2017 22/03/2017 22/03/2017 9 9

10 RESOURCES Ressources humaines: Ressources financières Au Siège
Dans les régions ACP En Europe Ressources financières 2. Human Resources The CDE Brussels headquarters is composed of a professional team of around 60 staff members, most of them from the private sector. There are also some detached experts from other institutions to strengthen the work force as well as to exchange work methodologies and bring in their professional experience. This is turn favours inter-institutional dialogue thus creating new opportunities for synergy and complementarity ……………. CDE also collaborates with associated consultants in the framework of more technical work linked to sectoral programmes. These consultants are specialized in particular sectors and are employed under short-term contracts of 60, 120 or 180 days (subscription type contracts). In this manner the CDE can rapidly call upon their expertise for specific files avoiding long and tedious call for tender procedures. In the field, the CDE is progressively opening its regional offices managed by senior staff members. Four Regional Offices are already fully operational (West Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa and the Caribbean), the two others will be operational by the end of 2006 (Central Africa and the Pacific). These regional offices will also employ one or more local experts and wherever possible detached experts from one of the European Cooperation Institutions. These offices which offer a more specific knowledge of the social economic context as well as in depth information about the targeted regions can, with the help of intermediary organizations, propose and structure sectoral development programmes better adapted to the local needs. Nevertheless, in some ACP countries the CDE has employed private companies to function as Technical Intervention Offices (TIO) which can identify, prepare and more importantly, locally manage interventions in support of local enterprises. The CDE also benefits from a vast network of antennas in nearly all ACP countries which function as Information and Promotion Offices (IPO). In certain ACP countries, specialized correspondents may also be called upon for specific technical work. Most of the time, these are technical (or other) centres in countries and regions with a high potential in a particular sector. The CDE has also developed a European Network, involving institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and others which act as a link between not only the European enterprises but also with training centres and specialized institutions. Some institutions develop programmes or projects in conjunction and/or in co-financing with CDE. The CDE does not neglect European entrepreneurs and intermediary organizations as partners in the development of ACP enterprises. In this regard, the Centre supports all initiatives promoting contact between EU and ACP enterprises. This could be assimilated to a ………………………, ………………………; Fonds européen de développement (FED) Tiers Autres programmes 22/03/2017 Ressources du CDE

11 Ressources humaines Au siège à Bruxelles : 3 départements
Gestion des opérations : Bureaux régionaux + BTI Planification des programmes : expertise technique et sectorielle Administration Dans les régions ACP BR : Bureau régional dans chaque région ACP BTI : Bureaux techniques d’intervention (plusieurs par région) CIP: Centres d’information et de promotion (au moins un par pays) Correspondants spécialisés (spécialistes sectoriels et financiers) 2. Human Resources The CDE Brussels headquarters is composed of a professional team of around 60 staff members, most of them from the private sector. There are also some detached experts from other institutions to strengthen the work force as well as to exchange work methodologies and bring in their professional experience. This is turn favours inter-institutional dialogue thus creating new opportunities for synergy and complementarity ……………. CDE also collaborates with associated consultants in the framework of more technical work linked to sectoral programmes. These consultants are specialized in particular sectors and are employed under short-term contracts of 60, 120 or 180 days (subscription type contracts). In this manner the CDE can rapidly call upon their expertise for specific files avoiding long and tedious call for tender procedures. In the field, the CDE is progressively opening its regional offices managed by senior staff members. Four Regional Offices are already fully operational (West Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa and the Caribbean), the two others will be operational by the end of 2006 (Central Africa and the Pacific). These regional offices will also employ one or more local experts and wherever possible detached experts from one of the European Cooperation Institutions. These offices which offer a more specific knowledge of the social economic context as well as in depth information about the targeted regions can, with the help of intermediary organizations, propose and structure sectoral development programmes better adapted to the local needs. Nevertheless, in some ACP countries the CDE has employed private companies to function as Technical Intervention Offices (TIO) which can identify, prepare and more importantly, locally manage interventions in support of local enterprises. The CDE also benefits from a vast network of antennas in nearly all ACP countries which function as Information and Promotion Offices (IPO). In certain ACP countries, specialized correspondents may also be called upon for specific technical work. Most of the time, these are technical (or other) centres in countries and regions with a high potential in a particular sector. The CDE has also developed a European Network, involving institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and others which act as a link between not only the European enterprises but also with training centres and specialized institutions. Some institutions develop programmes or projects in conjunction and/or in co-financing with CDE. The CDE does not neglect European entrepreneurs and intermediary organizations as partners in the development of ACP enterprises. In this regard, the Centre supports all initiatives promoting contact between EU and ACP enterprises. This could be assimilated to a ………………………, ………………………; En Europe Correspondants opérationnels dans les institutions du réseau européen Mobilisation des entreprises et organisations intermédiaires UE 22/03/2017 Ressources du CDE

12 Ressources financières
Le CDE mobilise environ €30 million par an Vingt millions € proviennent du Fonds Européen de Développement Cinq millions € proviennent du cofinancement des opérations par : Institutions multilatérales Agences de coopération bilatérale Institutions régionales Cinq millions € sont issus de la contribution des bénéficiaires CDE’s resources : Financial Resources The main financial resources emanate from the EDF. For example, this year, the CDE has a budget of 20 million EUROS. The CDE manages programmes for third party accounts, the most important being PROINVEST, which benefits from a budget of 110 millions for a period of 7 years. This budget is further completed by smaller budgets provided in the framework of agreements with national or regional institutions who co-finance development programmes on a sectoral or regional basis or who encourage contact between enterprises of their country or region with ACP enterprises; these programmes are called : …. Other programmes are more specifically designed to promote national investments in ACP countries, having a direct impact on development. These additional resources represent slightly over 20% of the operational budget of the Centre. Le CDE gère également des programmes pour le compte de tiers PRO€INVEST : €110 million du FED pour la période Programme national de développement du secteur privé : Haiti 22/03/2017 Ressources du CDE

13 Réalisations principales
Par secteur Par région 2. Human Resources The CDE Brussels headquarters is composed of a professional team of around 60 staff members, most of them from the private sector. There are also some detached experts from other institutions to strengthen the work force as well as to exchange work methodologies and bring in their professional experience. This is turn favours inter-institutional dialogue thus creating new opportunities for synergy and complementarity ……………. CDE also collaborates with associated consultants in the framework of more technical work linked to sectoral programmes. These consultants are specialized in particular sectors and are employed under short-term contracts of 60, 120 or 180 days (subscription type contracts). In this manner the CDE can rapidly call upon their expertise for specific files avoiding long and tedious call for tender procedures. In the field, the CDE is progressively opening its regional offices managed by senior staff members. Four Regional Offices are already fully operational (West Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa and the Caribbean), the two others will be operational by the end of 2006 (Central Africa and the Pacific). These regional offices will also employ one or more local experts and wherever possible detached experts from one of the European Cooperation Institutions. These offices which offer a more specific knowledge of the social economic context as well as in depth information about the targeted regions can, with the help of intermediary organizations, propose and structure sectoral development programmes better adapted to the local needs. Nevertheless, in some ACP countries the CDE has employed private companies to function as Technical Intervention Offices (TIO) which can identify, prepare and more importantly, locally manage interventions in support of local enterprises. The CDE also benefits from a vast network of antennas in nearly all ACP countries which function as Information and Promotion Offices (IPO). In certain ACP countries, specialized correspondents may also be called upon for specific technical work. Most of the time, these are technical (or other) centres in countries and regions with a high potential in a particular sector. The CDE has also developed a European Network, involving institutions, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and others which act as a link between not only the European enterprises but also with training centres and specialized institutions. Some institutions develop programmes or projects in conjunction and/or in co-financing with CDE. The CDE does not neglect European entrepreneurs and intermediary organizations as partners in the development of ACP enterprises. In this regard, the Centre supports all initiatives promoting contact between EU and ACP enterprises. This could be assimilated to a ………………………, ………………………; 22/03/2017 Réalisations principales

14 Réalisations principales
Quelques chiffres… sur dix ans 4.000 entreprises ACP ont été appuyées par le CDE par le biais de quelques interventions Répartition géographique Répartition sectorielle 22/03/2017 Réalisations principales

15 Contacts Bureaux régionaux CDE siège - Bruxelles
Afrique de l’ouest : Dakar Afrique centrale : en création* Afrique de l’est : Nairobi Afrique australe : Gaborone Région Caraïbe : Santo Domingo Région Pacifique : en création* * Coordinateurs au Siège CDE siège - Bruxelles Site web : 22/03/2017

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