About Mali My Presentation By Chelsie Dickson. This is the Mali flag. The Mali Flag A Map of mail.

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1 About Mali My Presentation By Chelsie Dickson

2 This is the Mali flag. The Mali Flag A Map of mail

3 About Mali The capital - The capital of Mali is Bamako Capital - Du Mali Bamako. The size of Mali is about 1,240,000 Km La Taille du Mali est d’ environ The mail flag is Green, Red and yellow Le Mali est le drapeau vert, rouge et Jaune

4 More FACTS Le Mali est un pays des terres sèches dans l'ouest de l'Afrique. Le Mali est un pays très pauvre. Most people in Mali play football and basketball. Mali is a dry land country in western Africa Mali is a very poor country

5 A picture of Mali Today, most of the population of Mali (estimated at 10,878,000 in 1995) is African

6 Thanks for listening

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