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Jean Racine Jean Racine was a French dramatist, one of the "big three" of 17th century France, and one of the most important literary figures in the Western.

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Présentation au sujet: "Jean Racine Jean Racine was a French dramatist, one of the "big three" of 17th century France, and one of the most important literary figures in the Western."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Jean Racine Jean Racine was a French dramatist, one of the "big three" of 17th century France, and one of the most important literary figures in the Western tradition. Racine was primarily a tragedian, though he did write one comedy.Born in La Ferté-Milon more..more..

2 “ Jean Racine: My only hope lies in my despair. #Hope#Hope

3 “ Jean Racine: Without money honor is merely a disease. #Honor #Honor

4 “ Jean Racine: Now my innocence begins to weigh me down. #Innocence #Innocence

5 “ Jean Racine:Mon unique espérance est dans mon désespoir. #Education#Education

6 “ Jean Racine:Je l'ai trop aimé pour ne le point haïr! #Happiness#Happiness

7 “ Jean Racine:Derrière un voile, invisible et présente, J'étais de ce grand corps l'âme toute-puissante. #Nations#Nations

8 “ Jean Racine: It's no longer a warmth hidden in my veins: it's Venus entire and whole fastening on her prey. #Obsession#Obsession

9 “ Jean Racine:L'innocence enfin n'a rien à redouter. ##

10 “ Jean Racine:Dieu des Juifs, tu l'emportes! #Civilization#Civilization

11 “ Jean Racine:To repair the irreparable ravages of time. [#Politicians and Politics#Politicians and Politics

12 “ Jean Racine:Vous êtes empereur, Seigneur, et vous pleurez! #America#America

13 “ Jean Racine:C'est toi qui l'as nommé. #Farewells#Farewells

14 “ Jean Racine:Tout m'afflige et me nuit, et conspire à me nuire. #Conspiracy#Conspiracy

15 “ Jean Racine:Ce n'est plus une ardeur dans mes veines cachée: C'est Vénus toute entière à sa proie attachée. #Media#Media

16 “ Jean Racine:Ainsi que la vertu, le crime a ses dégrés; Et jamais on n'a vu la timide innocence Passer subitement à l'extrême licence. #Cities and City Life#Cities and City Life

17 “ Jean Racine:Ariane, ma soeur, de quelle amour blessée Vous mourûtes sur les bords où vous fûtes laissée. #Love#Love

18 “ Jean Racine: A single word often betrays a great design. #Words #Words

19 “ Jean Racine: Small crimes always precedes great ones. #Crime and Criminals #Crime and Criminals

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Télécharger ppt "Jean Racine Jean Racine was a French dramatist, one of the "big three" of 17th century France, and one of the most important literary figures in the Western."

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