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Community Phylogenetics Hélène Morlon Amaury Lambert.

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Présentation au sujet: "Community Phylogenetics Hélène Morlon Amaury Lambert."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Community Phylogenetics Hélène Morlon Amaury Lambert

2 Community Phylogenetics The use of phylogenetic data and inference in community ecology

3 Community Ecology Understanding the processes underlying the assembly and maintenance of communities

4 Classical patterns used to test theories in community ecology do not directly take into account species'evolutionary history Species Abundance Distribution Species Area Relationship Distance Decay Relationship

5 Using phylogenetic data and inference to understand the processes driving community assembly?

6 Structuration des communautés par les niches écologiques CompétitionFiltrage environnemental Neutralité Darwin (1859), Lack (1947) Hutchinson (1959) Warming (1898) Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg (1974)

7 Trait conservatism: closely related species are ecologically similar

8 Sur-dispersion phylogénétique Agrégation phylogénétiqueStructure aléatoire Filtrage environnemental parcelles Exclusion compétitive Neutralité

9 Conservatisme des niches Les espèces génétiquement les plus proches sont les moins souvent rencontrées ensemble (sur-dispersion)

10 Testing for community phylogenetic structure In a community with S species, is the observed phylogenetic diversity more or less than the phylogenetic diversity of S species randomly sampled in the regional scale species pool? Faith's PD


12 Microbes and plants along an elevation gradient

13 Testing for community phylogenetic structure between communities When comparing two communities with S1 and S2 species and sharing S1,2 species, is the observed phylogenetic similarity between communities more or less than expected when randomly sampling the species in the regional species'pool

14 Microbes and plants along an elevation gradient

15 Testing for community phylogenetic structure At present there are NO mechanistically based prediction of phylogenetic patterns of diversity There are many issues associated with the current randomization techniques (assumption of trait conservatism, definition of the species pool, scale,...)

16 Niches écologiques Occurrence des espèces Relations phylogénétiques Processus biogéographiques Adéquation des espèces avec leur environnement Evolution des Caractères

17 At present macroevolutionary models are constructed at the level of lineages, they ignore individuals 1. Classical models of cladogenesis 2. A model of cladogenesis that takes into account population dynamics (Amaury)

18 Testing for community phylogenetic structure At present we have NO mechanistically based prediction of phylogenetic patterns of diversity There are many issues associated with the current randomization techniques (assumption of trait conservatism, definition of the species pool, scale,...)

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