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Publié parMorgause Nicolle Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Question 2 Foundation Writing
This slide requires very good knowledge of the present tense! BUT … You could get full marks if you do the correct revision.
1. Normal Verbs Does it end in ER, IR or RE? PorterVendreFinir JePorteVendsFinis TuPortesVendsFinis Il/ellePorteVendFinit NousPortonsVendonsFinissons VousPortezVendezFinissez Ils/ellesPortentVendentFinissent
Fill the gaps. 1.Je ____________ le bus (PRENDRE) 2.Nous ____________ la musique pop (AIMER) 3.Le collège ___________ à 4 heures (FINIR) 4.Vous ____________ à quelle heure? (COMMENCER) 5.Ils _________ du pain grillé (MANGER) 6.Tu _________un jus dorange (BOIRE) 7.Elles ________ la maison vers 11 heures (QUITTER) 8.Nous ___________ Les Simpson (REGARDER) 9.Nous ___________ nos devoirs. (FINIR). 10.Est-ce que tu ________ français? (PARLER)
A few verbs do not follow this pattern. Watch out for the following. ALLER (to go) Je vais Tu vas Il/elle va Nous allons Vous allez Ils vont ETRE (to be) Je suis Tu es Il/elle est Nous sommes Vous êtes Ils/elles sont FAIRE – to do Je fais Tu fais Il/elle fait Nous faisons Vous faites Ils/elles font AVOIR (to have) Jai Tu as Il/elle a Nous avons Vous avez Ils/elles ont
Translation My father goes to work by bus. He takes/gets the bus at 7 oclock and he arrives at 7:30. However, he is often late.
Translation I have five classes per day. At school, I wear school uniform. I finish at 3:30 and I return home. For dinner, I eat chips and I drink lemonade.
Translation We go to school by car. We like English because it is interesting, but we hate P.E. because it is tiring. We do our homework every evening. We are very hard-working!
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