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Publié parChantal Giroux Modifié depuis plus de 8 années
Business France vous propose de rencontrer vos partenaires de demain je jeudi 20 octobre à Business France Paris 14 ème. Ces rendez-vous d’une heure sont payants sur sélection de dossier. Ils vous permettront de présenter votre solution à l’acheteur / opérateur de votre choix. Cochez le pays pour lequel vous souhaitez déposer un dossier de candidature : Europe – INTRASOFT INTERNATIONAL Russie – MTS GROUP Vietnam – VIETTEL Tunisie – TUNISIE TRADE NET Dossier de candidature Vendre à des acheteurs étrangers Date limite de candidature : lundi 3 octobre 2016 1
Recherche de solutions dans les secteurs suivants 2 -Internet des objets (IoT), -Réseaux intelligents (Smart Utility Grid - Electricité, Gaz, Eau), -Applications pour les Villes intelligentes (Smart Cities), -Banque et finance, -Solutions pour opérateurs télécoms, -Transports, -Santé. -Blockchain, -Video et plate-forme OTT, -services B2C (fidélité, réservation, musique, jeux vidéo), -Traffic management & optimisation, -Réalité augmentée, -Chat Bots, -Data Tools, -Solutions Wi-Fi, -Localisation GPS, -Network security, -IoT, -M2M, -Speech technologies, -Intelligence artificielle. -Solutions pour la refonte totale du système d’information et le développement de l’interface de la relation avec le contribuable. -cybersécurité, -archivage, coffre-fort électronique, -numérisation, -GED, -tableaux de bord, -dématérialisation des paiements. -Solution Fintech (service de paiement, nfc, mobile, monnaie mobile, micro crédit et solutions mobile de commerce et d’assurance), -M2M : dans les domaines de l’énergie et des outils de mesure du quotidien, Application pour l’automobile ( Navigation, assistance à la conduite, antivol, assurance à la demande) -Solution Santé et pharmacie : solutions de réduction des risques sanitaires pour le consommateur final ( prévention…) -Fabrication / Production : sécurité, contrôle de l'environnement, la maintenance à distance, le service de gestion de flotte, de surveillance et de contrôle à distance... -Transport et logistique : gestion des flottes de véhicules utilitaires et de véhicules passager d'ajouter une sécurité accrue, la qualité, le confort pour les conducteurs, y compris la gestion de la flotte, le suivi des actifs, la gestion du trafic, les services de passagers...
GENERAL GUIDELINES LESS IS MORE. So be brief. Your contact will rarely take time to read more than 2 pages. Don’t repeat yourself. There is one specific place for each aspect of your company. Clear, concise language is key. Speak to businessmen, not engineers. You will often meet with business development teams that, while knowledgeable of your industry, may not have engineering backgrounds and are just as interested in the benefits of your technology as its technical aspects/features (if not more). Thus, they need a clear explanation of a problem, and a clear explanation of the solution you propose. In other words, the “story” surrounding your product needs to pique their interest! Develop an elevator pitch. At the end of this, if there is one thing your reader should remember, what is it? Your tagline should convey this, and be the document’s guiding force. You only get one chance at a first impression. Aesthetics and grammar are extremely important. Failure to present your company in a professional manner drastically reduces your chances of selection, no matter how innovative your technology! Good Luck!!! 3 B2B Meetings Applicants Executive Summary
Contact information Contact Name Company Address Company Website Contact Phone Contact Email Executive Team Person Name, Title Brief biography (6 lines max) Person Name, Title Brief biography (6 lines max) Company logo The name of the company (~120 words) Tell a story. At the end of this description, the need for a solution should seem obvious. Your reader should be so convinced of the presence/gravity of this problem that he is determined to find one, and is excited to discover yours. Solution / Technology / Service (~ 350 words) : solution title Concisely describe what your product/service is, does, and for whom. What are the features of your solution? What are the benefits of each feature? What makes you stand out from the competition? 4
Key facts Major indicators of company progress, both in Asia (or US) and Europe, such as: Major Clients/Partners Significant # of customers reached / products sold Total funding to date Total revenue Growth rate Customer retention, customer lifetime value Relationship with your contact in the past? Year Division / Group Person Name, Title Name of your technology / solution / product Additional info Major Investors Board of Directors / Board of Advisors Anything else you feel strongly represents the growth of your company Press articles References made by research market companies Technology (~120 words) Briefly detail what the technical aspects of your solution are (technologies based on, features, architecture, patents).: What are the technologies your product relies on? What is the architecture? Amount of time/resources invested in developing your technology/product? Has a patent been filed/delivered? Is your technology proprietary? Screenshots / diagram (Optional) Add visual information about your product if it is relevant. 5
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