Date: Objectives: - To learn how people celebrate Easter in France.

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2 Date: Objectives: - To learn how people celebrate Easter in France.

3 EASTER TRADITION in FRANCE:  In France, a mainly Catholic country, bells ring every day of the year to remind people to go to church; except from Thursday to Saturday before Easter Sunday.  At that time, we say that all the bells fly to Roma, capital of Italy, to get blessed by the Pope.  On their way back, the bells bring Easter eggs to all the good children. When crossing France, they drop chocolate eggs, chocolate chicken, chicks, bunny, lamb, just after midday.  Children, then, go chocolate hunting in their gardens or parks.

4 Click on the icon to hear the pronunciation – Repeat!!






10 Des cloches Un oeuf Des oeufs Un poussin Un agneauUn lapin Une poule Which picture moves? - Say the word in French!!

11 Des cloches Un oeuf Des oeufs Un poussin Un agneauUn lapin Une poule Once more… Which picture moves?

12 Click on the icon to hear the pronunciation – Repeat!!

13  Un oeuf  Deux oeufs  Trois oeufs  Quatre oeufs  Cinq oeufs  Six oeufs  Sept oeufs  Huit oeufs  Neuf oeufs  Dix oeufs  Onze oeufs  Douze oeufs 1 oeuf, 2 oeufs, 3 oeufs, 4 …

14 Fill in the gaps – You can use a dictionary!  Les oeufs de Pâques:  Un oeuf jaune comme …..  Deux oeufs rouges comme ….  Trois oeufs verts comme …  Quatre oeufs bleus comme …  Cinq oeufs roses comme …  Six oeufs violets comme …  Sept oeufs blancs comme …  Huit oeufs noirs comme …  Neuf oeufs gris comme …  Dix oeufs orange comme …  Onze oeufs marron comme …  Douze oeufs dorés comme …

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