CLASSROOM ENGLISH. Good morning / Good afternoon !

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Présentation au sujet: "CLASSROOM ENGLISH. Good morning / Good afternoon !"— Transcription de la présentation:


2 Good morning / Good afternoon !

3 Who is absent today ?

4 Sorry, I'm late.

5 Can I come in ?

6 Can you write the date please ?

7 Sit down ! Stand up !

8 Quiet !

9 Write in your copy books.

10 What's the French for pencil ? pencil

11 I don't know !

12 Can I have a rubber please ?

13 Read the text please.

14 I don't understand !

15 I don't understand ! Can you repeat please ? !?!

16 Can I go to the board?

17 You're welcome ! Thank you !

18 Open your copy books, page 132 ! 132

19 Speak up ! I can't hear you

20 Good bye ! See you next week !

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