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Publié parHamlin Bonnaud Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
I went to my friend’s house I have eaten my breakfast
____________________________ Le passé composé: the past tense L/O: To learn the past tense in French using the verb AVOIR STARTER: Qu’est ce que c’est le passé en anglais? STARTER: Copy the verb AVOIR and write the English le passé I went to my friend’s house I have eaten my breakfast I listened to my IPOD I usually watch TV in bed at the weekend I bought some new jeans I visited my gran in hospital I don’t have a lot of time I watched TV and then I went to bed le passé le passé le présent le passé le passé le présent le passé 1
Le passé composé: the past tense.
In English and in French we use the past tense to talk about something which we have done in the past. I have eaten an apple I ate an apple I have been to Paris I went to Paris I have played foodball I played football
Why is the past tense IMPORTANT?
Using it will help us achieve a Level 5+ in French
J’ai I have You have He / She has Tu as You lot have We have Il/elle a
To make the past tense in French we need two things.... No The verb AVOIR (to have) J’ai I have You have He / She has You lot have We have They have Tu as Il/elle a Vous avez Nous avons Ils/elles ont 4
To make the past tense in French we need two things....
No The past participle (the action) Take the verb. Take off the last 2 letters e.g ÉCOUTER FINIR ENTENDRE 3. Add the following endings to the verbs: ÉCOUTÉ (listened) FINI (finished) ENTENDU (heard) RE 5
Now have a go: 5 minutes Find the past participle 2. What are they in English? Jouer: Écouter: Aimer : Adorer: Détester: Visiter : Manger: Porter: Regarder: Voyager: Finir joué played Ext: with a dictionary find the English for the following verbs and then the past participle Étudier: Saisir: Grandir: Oublier: Fêter: Bouder: Travailler: écouté listened aimé liked adoré loved détesté hated visité visited mangé ate porté Carried /wore regardé watched voyagé travelled fini finished
Lets put it all together...
1. AVOIR 2. The past participle acheté (bought) porté (wore) J’ai Tu as Il a elle a Nous avons Ils ont elles ont visité (visited) regardé (watched) joué (played) écouté (listened) aimé (liked) entendu (heard) fini (finished) détesté (hated) 7
Can you translate the following sentences into English:
Vocab: Hier= yesterday Ce matin=this morning Le weekend dernier= last weekend Hier j’ai joué au foot Ce matin j’ai mangé des cereales Le mardi j’ai visité ma mère Hier j’ai visité ma copine Hier j’ai mangé une glace avec mon frère Le weekend dernier j’ai écouté de la musique Le weekend dernier j’ai regardé un bon film au cinèma avec ma copine Le lundi j’ai porté un jean à la fête Yesterday I visited my sister Last weekend I ate a pizza with my sister On Monday I play football in the park with my friends On Friday I wore a blue skirt
À deux: use the words to make the following sentences
** Can you do these alone? 1. I played football 2. I ate pizza in a restaurant 3. Sam listened to his Ipod 4. We visited Thorpe Park during the holidays 5. My mum ate a sandwich 6* I liked the film 7* I hated the film on the TV J’ai joué au foot J’ai mangé de la pizza au restaurant Sam a écouté son Ipod J’ai visité Thorpe Park pendant les vacances Ma mère a mangé un sandwich J’ai aimé le film J’ai détesté le film à la télé
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