RGM Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016.

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1 RGM Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016

2 Appreciations of the detailed assessments
Scientific quality and output (p 30) Extensive know-how but is isolated Project interesting and sound Size and expertise of the team is sufficient to be more productive The international leadership is not evident Recruitment of a new MCF with a good level of publications and pre-existing collaborations Team has strong interactions with several platforms and is a co-builder of PAVIRMA Team academic reputation and appeal (p 30) The other activities have national impact Some members of the team have responsabilities at national and international level. The overall assessment is very good Team organisation and life (p 31) Clearly defined responsabilities : functional organization is clear, but may change with the ending of Drosophila axis Thoroughly involved in the PAVIRMA platform and will benefit from the integration in the C-BIOSENSS infrastructure Small group, which should be integrated into a larger institutional structure, and so is the aim for the next term Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016 1

3 Appreciations of the detailed assessments
Unit involvement in training through research (p32) Heavily linked with the training process: 100% of the personnel are teachers, and responsible for the Licence Also involved in teaching by research One member is also involved in engineer formation school Polytech  the involvement in training through research is very good in all components of the team Strategy and the five year-year plan (p33) The project is well described and identifies how the RGM and C-BIOSENSS will be working on common collaborative platforms together with the Health axis Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016 2

4 Conclusions and recommandations
Strengths Small team but with a strong expertise in mtDNA maintenance and repair Approaches and aims may have a clear biomedical interest Weaknesses Publication productivity is rather modest Participation in international meetings was also missing probably due to limitation of the resources and intensive teaching duties Opportunities Start cohesive and collaborative work around existing platform Joining of the UMR may improve resources issues (international interactions and publications) New permanent lecturer with collaborations and expertise Threats Use of the new generation microscopy (based on actual fashion)  Setting up this new methodology might be beneficial for all the local scientific community Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016 3

5 Recommandations Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016 4
The added value from incoming RGM and C-BIOSENSS teams is clear Because of the small size of these groups and balance with the core of the LPC, their integration will have to be monitored closely The experiments proposed by RGM are interesting and globally feasible Productivity might be improved in respect to the previous term: achieved by integration in the new scientific environment of LPC Team 4 - Collaboration around the existing platform and future TIRF will be beneficial for the group and for the whole team Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016 4

6 “Décryptage” et commentaires
Cross-disciplinarity Integration Revient souvent dans l’analyse comme une force de la nouvelle structure Apport d’un nouveau niveau au pôle en interne A favoriser et à surveiller Rapprochement géographique Soutien de l’IN2P3, à travailler pour l’INSB Participation à des programmes collaboratifs intra- et inter-pôles PAVIRMA Plateforme fédératrice sur projets communs En évolution vers neutrons TIRF Microscopy Low productivity and visibility Vue comme un technique “à la mode” MAIS: Création d’une synergie entre les compétences du LPC Intérêt pour d’autres groupes locaux Réponse à la problématique scientifique du groupe Associée au faibles ressources MAIS: Evolution par rapport à contrat précédent Nombreuses publications hors cadre de l’équipe Ouverture internationale sur programmes collaboratifs Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016 5

7 Radiobiologie-Intégrité des génomes
ADN mitochondrial et stress Réparation de l’ADNmt “Modélisation du dépôt de dose” “Nanoparticules, irradiations et mitochondries” “Identification des mécanismes et molécules impliqués dans la maintenance de cet ADN” Approches biophysiques et biochimiques Développement technologique: Appui sur services techniques Soutien du CPER Ouverture collaborative Développement biophysique sur le site Cœur de métier: Collaborations internationales : Suède, Allemagne Approches fondamentales pour transposition vers l’appliqué et le biomédical Interface : dans le pôle avec nanoparticules et thérapies, thérapie des cancers par rayonnement avec laboratoires externes: ICCF Labex PRIMES Debriefing HCERES 13 juin 2016 6

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